MARTHA: I just hate it when he inhales his food.
CLARK: You were almost killed last night.
LOIS: I got out of it. I don’t need any help. (she was rescued by Superman)
CLARK: Lois, it’s past babbling hour. Can you get to the point please.
Plot Bunny:
Lois gets suspended. What if she’s fired and has to take a job at the National Whisper?
Starting in Season 2, Clark uses his phoning in a story as an excuse for being away. What if Lois gets more than a little ticked off?
Clark helps Lois win against a bratty 11 y/o
Martha explains to Lois that Clark isn’t there because he has to phone in the story of Superman stopping the Ferris wheel. Lois is miffed. Starts to be a pattern, Clark supposedly reporting the story while he’s off supering.
Perry uses “Managing Editor”. “Editor in Chief” is probably fanon.
Lois decides she doesn’t need to share her story lead with Clark. Payback for earlier in the episode.
Copier had a broken wire on the circuit board. Just how does that work when there’s no moving parts?
MET STAR headline: Planet Informer Murdered. Reporter Linked.
The Vialogic building is the same one that’s later used for STAR Labs
MINUTE 41:35: Map of Metropolis with subway.
Lois acknowledges that they could one day win a Pulitzer together. (her name will go first)
