Hey, FoLCs!

This year, we’ll be having the Kerth Ceremony in IRC!

For this post, you’ll get the details of how to participate in the ceremony. We’ve chosen IRC after researching several options and deciding that it’s the best and most accessible for the most people, and it doesn’t require a signup of any kind. We’ve tried to make this as easy as possible for everyone!

When is it? Great question! We want your input, so please Take the Poll: Ceremony Dates and Times! Right now, it’s looking likely that the ceremony will be April 30th in the early afternoon Mountain Daylight Time, but the poll will help us decide what date and time work for the most FoLCs.

It’s hard to say just how long the ceremony will last, but given that we have 16 categories to present, I imagine that it might be around 90 mins to 2 hours. Since people do like to stick around and chat sometimes, I’ve set the poll to a length of 3 hours just to be safe.

I know there were issues in the past of servers being unstable and/or buggy. But Doranwen did some research for us, and she’s found a server that is reliable and stable (she’s been on it and testing). On top of that, she found options for both an application you can download that is safe and reliable AND using IRC on the web (no downloading software if you don’t want to). Then, because she loves us so much, she created this amazing user guide!

The user guide is a pdf that acts as a wizard to guide you through exactly which option works best for you based on your device (Computer? Tablet? Phone?) and your preference to download or not (application or web-based). She explains it far better in the user guide, which you can get to by clicking on the link below and downloading the pdf!

Kerth IRC User Guide (pdf)

Already know you’re just going to do web-based? Or already have a IRC client? Or you’re pretty proficient at things and don’t need the guide? Great! Here is all the relevant information for quick and easy reference!

Chat on IRC using the web: https://chat.mibbit.com/

Server: irc.slashnet.org
Channels: #kerthawards, #kerthchat (if you just copy and paste these into the channel box, it will load both for you)

And that’s all!

If you’re new to the fandom or it’s been a while, here’s a little info on how things work and how it’ll go:

IRC is a text-based chatting option (you’re going to have to go old school on your emojis! Doranwen added a small primer on that at the end of the user guide ;-)). We’ll have two channels, and you’ll want to join both of them for the full Kerth Ceremony experience.

The #kerthawards channel will be our “stage” where we’ll have presenters present the awards! And winners can “come up to the stage/podium” and give an acceptance speech. laugh This channel is separate and will be “voice” locked to prevent chatting during the ceremony. Only the presenters, winners, and the K-Comm will have the ability to chat in this channel so that the ceremony is easy to follow and read for everyone. smile

The #kerthchat is—you guessed it—the place where EVERYONE can chat! Cheer on your favs to win. Congratulate the winners. Laugh, cry, and cheer at the presentation speeches. There aren’t really any rules for this chat other than what exists here on the MBs (no politics, no gossip, be kind, keep things PG-13ish), but we figure most all of us will want to stick to chatting about the ceremony and related things.

If there’s anything else you have questions or concerns about, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

Again, HUGE, HUGE thanks to Doranwen for all her hard work finding us a place for the ceremony and creating an easy-to-use guide to help people get there!! clap clap love

Have a question? Ask it here! Or you can PM any of the K-Com members or reach out on Discord too! You can also send an email to us here: Kcom@kerthawards.com

The Kerth Committee
(Sara, Michael, Annie, and lovetvfan)

Other 2023 Kerth posts…
Kerth Announcement Post / Index
Eligible stories list
Official Kickoff Post (Schedule and Categories)
Eligible Fanart and Opt-In Opportunity
Take the Poll: Ceremony Dates and Times
Official Nominees for 2023
Nominations Closed and THANK YOU!
Call for Volunteers
Voting Has Started
2023 Ceremony Information — Where and How
Voting Has Closed
The Winners! That’s a Wrap!

25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Writer’s Year in Review
25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Reader’s Year in Review
25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Kerth Challenges

Last edited by KSaraSara; 04/30/23 08:31 PM.

Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆

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