CLARK: Don’t look at me. I may be from Kansas but I’m not that corny.
CLARK:I wasn’t really focusing on her nails, Lois.
RANDAL LOOMIS: Lois, I didn’t recognize you. You look so…mature.
CLARK: I guess that's one of the drawbacks of being, beautiful, successful and eligible.
LOIS: What's that supposed to mean?!
CLARK: Nothing.I was paying you a compliment.
LOIS: No you weren't.You were implying that if I wasn't single I wouldn't have this problem.
CLARK: No I wasn't. (beat) But you probably _wouldn't_ have this problem if you were married.
LOIS: Oh, that's a good reason to get married.To avoid harassment.
LOIS: What do you want?
KYLE GRIFFIN: Oh, not much. Just for the world to hate you. Like you made them hate me. And then, when your reputation is ruined, and your life is sufficiently wretched, I'm going to put you out of your misery.
Plot bunnies:
You might be able to do something with Randall Loomis’s remarks about Lois’s college days.
Lois has quite hard-sprayed hair during the vernissage in the teaser.
Lois gets a ring box. Finds a giant diamond solitaire in there and puts it on her left ring finger, just like an engagement ring. Given the recent wedding fiasco, that seems brazen.
Randall Loomis. A nerd Lois knew in college. Followed her around for an entire year. Now he is rich. Sold his software company last year (so, age 26/27) and is now planning on a trip around the world and then settling down in Paris with his wife, Donna.
Randall Loomis about Lois: I seem to remember, in college, Lois always on the prowl but could never hook up with the right guy.
First time that Lois’s vanity plates with LL show up.
Minute 8:40: Rich neighborhood. Even has palm trees like they do in LA.
Minute 13:56: great shot of the Metripolis seal.
Minute 14:30: Stanton Electronics truck.
Minute 26: prison database
Clark uses his foot to break the out of control jeep.
Fort Truman is mentioned for the first time.
Another Fruit Fly Spraying is anounced.
Sports Editor “Pete”
Whitmore Laboratory.
Riverfront industrial area.
Chem-Tech Laboraty
Daily Planet has standing policy that they don’t pay for information. How does that track with Lois paying for Bobby Bigmouths food?
Episode date based on information shown on screen: June 20th, 1994. This means the Kerth awards would be in May -> This timeline doesn’t track with the aborted wedding and Daily Planet reopening.
Kyle Griffin was released May 12th, 1994. Spent five years in St. Quention. Is now out for about four months. Was busted because of Lois writing an expose on his being part of illegal weapons trading in third world countries (he designed the high tech weapons that were sold). It was the first big story of Lois. Timeline consistency: Lois started at the Planet after college in the summer of 1989. Claude stole a big story from her and got a Kerth for it. Kyle spent about five years in prison. How could Lois write the expose to match that timeline?
Lois is completely freaked when she gets home to her apartment.
Lois shows up at Clark’s place, completely freaked but unable to admit it at first. Then she opens up to Clark. Later, she snuggles up to Clark while watching the movie. There’s also a moment when Lois almost kisses Clark in her panic.
Lois self-rescues during the climax.
Lois destroys the friendship roses Clark get her because she things they're from Kyle Griffin
