LOIS (seeing the chocolate torte): I guess I could move into my gym for a month.
LOIS: You’re entitled to losing your temper. I lose mine every…
CLARK: three or four minutes?
Clark makes an excuse before running off.
MAYSON: Does he do that a lot?
LOIS: Constantly.
LOIS (About Mayson): A little pushy maybe but she's obviously so desperate, who can blame her?
PERRY: Did you just save me from something?
PERRY: Do I want to know what?
Perry: Think of love as a jungle river -- exotic but treacherous, beautiful but uncharted. Reach up to pick a mango off a tree, you're just as likely to get your arm ripped off by a jaguar. Now think of me as the guide who's been down that river many a time, who knows every rock, rapid and twist...
PERRY: Love is like a big casino. Flashing lights, free drinks and Wayne Newton. A lot to distract a player from what it's really all about: games of chance. Fate. Layin' your money down and hopin' luck's your lady that night. But sometimes when you roll them big dice at Casino love... you crap out.
Plot Bunnies:
What if Mayson learns about Superman impersonating a police officer and decides to prosecute him?
First (only) time Uncle Mike Lane shows up.
First appearance of Mayson Drake.
Lois has a mobile phone.
Daily Planet and Cost Mart are sponsoring a charity ball.
The “Southside” is named as a Metropolis neighborhood.
Clark uses another “generic errant” as an excuse.
Superman impersonates a police officer. That’s illegal.
Clark talks in the third person about himself and his problems.
Bill Church drives his own car.
The Charity Ball takes place at Chateau Roberge (the hotel from SL&V). It’s also where the Magic Club had its gala.
Mayson gets shirtless Clark when she visits and is pretty flummoxed.
Mayson explicitly asks Clark out, confirms it’s a date, Clark agrees, and she kisses him on the mouth with his active participation in the kiss. He can’t plead innocence in this.
MARTHA: Are you interested in Mayson?
CLARK: yes, I think so.
Lois asks Superman to dance after she got home from the charity ball. Superman takes Lois float-dancing.
