Perfect ending! I LOVED it!! (Also, really glad that Kal's Lois only had to miss him for 1 day

I think my favorite chapters/parts were 1) how the two Supermen worked together during the earthquake

(particularly this "new power" of Kal's--he truly is an exceptional, unique version of Superman!) and 2) Kal healing AltLois (because YAY!!!!!!!!!).

Thank you for this wonderful story! I really enjoyed all of it.
Do you have plans for Act 6?

Glad you liked it. The earthquake was a lot of fun to write. And healing AltLois.... AltClark needs her!
Thanks for following and sharing your thoughts as you went along. It certainly helped my muse :3
As for Act 6, yes. I have a bare outline right now. It will resolve a few issues and address something I'm sure many are still concerned about....
When I saw Jordan I thought, oh no! he's jumped into Superman and Lois verse (which I dare say would also have been epic). Glad he made it home safe.
I'm not usually one for alt anything, but I've enjoyed following this series. Hope there'll be more.
I had been tempted to have him fall into another universe somehow, but maybe in a future Act. He had been away from Lois for long enough :P Thanks for reading ^_^. And there will be more.
Yes! My favorite chapter was definitely the earthquake. I know a lot of people have been saying this, but you really have a knack for writing rescues! I hope you're planning another part!
Thanks ^_^ They are my favorite to write

Oh this was a wonderful journey. I second Beak's plight for Act 6. And while we're at it, also Act 7, 8, 9,10... I loved the ending. It's so good to see Lois and Clark back together.
I do have the next 2 Acts roughly sketched in my head, and after I finish the voodoo fic I'm currently working on, I'll get on Act 6: Flare......
Thanks again, everyone!