Hey, everyone

I’ve finally taken the leap after a long time procrastinating about it and decided that the time is right for me to step down as EIC of the Archive. I’ve been considering it for far too long and putting it off because I still enjoy the work but I think there comes a time when you need fresh ideas and fresh blood. I was slightly shocked to discover when I checked back to find I’d been doing this for 22 years! Holy cow. <g>
So, if there’s anyone out there who is interested in taking over the role, do get in touch with me at dklabrat@gmail.com and we’ll get the ball rolling.
In closing, I’d like to thank LaurenW for the incredible amount of hard work she puts in to running the Archive. I’m in awe of her dedication and skill. And to all of our wonderful GEs and authors, past and present, thank you for making this job so easy and so much fun over the years. It’s been a real pleasure working with you all.