LOIS: I need to talk to Superman and the only way I can ever get his attention is to fall out a window, which I reather not do, or call you.
LOIS: It is a reporter’s job to deseminate the news, not to ponder the consequences.
PERRY (about Lois): That girl got quite a nose for trouble.
PERRY: Jimmy, I don’t want you reading this trash (National Whsiper) in the Daily Planet building
PERRY: I can see another Kerth Award in your future.
CLARK: Which reminds me, where’s Lois?
Airdate was in November. I do wonder if it was intended as the Halloween episode?
Coffee Shop “Daily Java” is located on the ground floor of the Daily Planet building, provides breakfast and lunch.
Sandmarsh espresso stand is located in front of the Daily Planet building.
Lois’s apartment door is still 105.
Clark is whistling the theme at the tatoo parlor.
Lois realizes that Superman lied to her.
Daily Planet is Downtown, at Second Avenue and Main Street.
WWWWaldecker was a bit of a creep (peeps at women’s locker rooms).

Fanfic recommendations (bascially any good story that starts with a lightning strike

* Supercop by Nan Smith
* Alt-World-Series by Nan Smith