Sugar & Spice by Labrat
Nature Vs. Nurture by Editor Jax
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned by me also starts off from Season’s Greedings
Favorite Scene:
Actually, I think the one where Lois plays the Space Rat victim. It’s just playful abandon and then the mood change when she asks Clark to put her back down. Really well done.
CLARK: See, I think what makes Christmas special is the whole spirit of – (hearing something)
-- shopping, I just remembered... some, uh, last minute shopping.
LOIS: The spirit of shopping, that sort of sums it all up, doesn't it?
LOIS: It's just, everywhere you look, you're just sort of... under seige. Ribbons, wreaths, trees, mistletoe; Santas, Elves, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Pounding you, day and night, in your face, 'You must love Christmas, you must love Christmas, you must love Christmas... […] Just once, I'd like to _feel_ Christmas.. Discover it, you know? Unwrap it and be surprised by how wonderful it is, instead of having it shoved relentlessly in my face like half-off coupons at a swap meet.
MARTHA: I never spanked you, but right now, I'd like to drop your britches and tan your hide like cheap leather!
Computer screen at Minute 29:50 gives date as January 15th.
Lois doesn’t like Christmas. It’s an okay holiday, like Arbor Day. Later on, she says she really does want to like Christmas. It’s actually not yet the sad Christmas background we remember from fanon.
Lois buys ugly scrawny Christmas Trees because she feels bad for them.
Lucy is in love, she’s in Venice California
The Space Rats make adults act like children. Greedy children. Lois still obeys Perry when he confiscates the rats. So, more child than adult. Superman is affected by the Space Rats compound but it clears up after a couple of hours. Everyone else gets a hangover, just like with the Pheromones. The Space Rat goo is a highly sophisticated psychotropic mindaltering drug
Winslow P. Schott, The Toyman
Martha confirms Clark’s middle name as “Jerome”.
When did the Kents come to be on a first name basis with Perry?
The Kents visit Clark for the day and Clark plans on flying home with them in the evening.
Lois only had the chainlock on the door the next morning after Clark brought her home.
Minute 23: Lois is playing a Space Rat victim and getting carried by Clark. She’s cute.
Lois’s car is in the shop, no explanation given
Minute 32: Cab jumps forward apparently forward, startling Lois.
Minute 33:20: Lois’s wallet is open, you see photo of Superman in there that was mentioned in TOGoM.
Minute 34:30: Clark breaks the lock in front of Lois, explaining it with rust.
Lois’s Christmas dress is deep purple.
Lois confirms she made everything in the Christmas dinner herself. Bird, yams, stuffing.
Lois grabs Clark’s hand to hold and there’s kiss-leaning before the carolers interupt.
This is the start of the Jimmy-falls-for-future-movie-star-guest-actress episodes
