Fanfic recommendations:
There’s one where Lois and Calrk end up hiding on Sheldon’s boat and getting naughty. I can’t find the title right, though

LEX: If you lie to me, I cut open your chest and put a rat inside of you.
LEX: I’ll give Lois a chance to come willingly. If she won’t, I’ll take her by force.
LOIS: Hi. (pause) Oh... this is exactly what's wrong with us going out.
CLARK: All I said was 'hi.'
LOIS: Exactly. Except a dozen thoughts just ran through my head during that 'hi.' Is my make-up okay? Do I smell good? Do I have coffee breath?
PERRY: I did not become head of a great newspaper because I can yodel.
JMMY: That’s the first time I heard Lois and Clark agree on something.
LOIS: What if we say this is our almost first date. Like a test run.
Nigel and Gretchen and Lex
Nigel explicitly states Lex didn’t hire him for his geniality.
Nigel was with British secret service
Clark has a daydream about having a date with Lois.
Clark asks Lois out, point blank, no stuttering.
Lois reacts to Clark asking her out with babbling and hesitation.
Lois asks about Mayson’s thoughts in regard to Clark asking her out.
Lois worries about what happens if their date bombs.
Sheldon Bender managed to move Lex’s funds to his own accounts.
Lex feels Kryptonite holds the true power.
Lex tells us that they (he and Nigel) have been ordinary streetfighters in the old days, be fore he got rich.
Intergang wasn’t known to Lex during Season One.
Lex personally installed the bomb in Perry’s chair.
Lex confirms he knew his mother and remembers her telling him the story about the phoenix when he was little.
Lex is completely delusional about his motivations. Says he did his criminal acts for Lois.
Lex found it easier to create a diversion so he can grab plastic explosives from the bomb squad headquarters than buying it on the black market.
Nigel double-crosses Lex because Intergang pays more money.
First mention of Bobby Bigmouth to Perry.
Minute 21:30: Lois reads magazine “Modern Relationships”. Cover story “What men really want”
Perry sits on a pressure bomb. Superman carries Perry & the chair by the arm rests. This means that a) the entire weight is on the arm rests and be, there is no more pressure on the bomb mechanism.
Perry attributes Lois&Clark agreeing on them having a budding romance.
Jimmy is still dating Angela.
Harbor shot is from San Francisco
Ralph’s Pagoda, Lois ordered the food.
Clark only carries Lois from the couch to the door of the bedroom, not to the bed itself.
Sheldon Bender’s boat: “Sue U”
Sheldon Bender gets killed via poison dart.
Jimmy got a black eye from going through the mosh pit at the Pearl Jam concert. He and Angela went twice.
