Hi Barbara!
The ball of fire had fueled her hope enough that she’d taken the next cab with Houdini right by her side.
Oooh she’s looking for Clark at nine o’clock. Let’s see if he will be naked!
After all, nobody could be that strong.
He has an extremely thick skull and is very dense.
The scientists at EPRAD had laughed at him, too, until he’d demonstrated what he could do
Eeep! Daily Planet exclusive!
Clark had risked so much. He’d been aware there was no going back from letting an asteroid disappear.
Due to the gravitational tidal forces of the moon, the Nightfall asteroid has been shattered as it crossed the Lagrange equinox point.
(See, I know how to speak Hollywood)
A faint red glow emanated from a crystal sticking out of his back.
Oooohhhh… /gazes in wonder at nice bow/
”Thanks.” With trembling hands he took the coat and wrapped it around himself, his relief obvious as he managed to tie it enough that he was mostly decent.
That’s why it’s a good idea to hide stashes of clothing all around the city. You never know when you wake up naked in a ditch after a bender.
“Shh, it’s fine,” Clark whispered into her hair. “The asteroid is destroyed and I’m still here.” His gurgling laughter filled the air, as if he couldn’t quite believe it himself. “I’m really still here.”
Did his out of whack powers go into overdrive, resulting in Clark using much more speed to shatter the asteroid?
”Hey, buddy, careful.” Clark laughed. “This asteroid really took it out of me.”
It really knocked his crystal out.
She couldn’t get enough of him, not even now that she knew she wouldn’t have to let go of him again.
Awwwwwww. /Must remember he’s still basically nine o’clock/
It’s almost over!