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Welllllll.... this one got way more emotional than I expected. We're ALL not surprised that it got out of hand and is a "ficlet" that's more than 3000 words. lol

Gahhh! I'm not even sure what else to say about this one...other than watching that end scene...the specific bit were he's like "Was it?" — his voice and face in that moment?? OMG! It's SO heavy. There's so much packed into those words! If you have time and access to go watch that scene and then read this... I'd be super curious to know what you think about how they compare!

Happy Ficlet Friday!! And happy anniversary to Ficlet Friday!!! party

Here's the ficlet!

Sara smile

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There's sooooo many emotions!!!!! (for BOTH of them!) And you wrote them SOOOOOOOO well!!! love

Thank you so much for an entire year of ficlets! Hope we can keep it going for another year!


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Gaaaaaah, so many feeeeeeels!!!! whinging

You have a way of just melting me into a being puddle of goop, yknow? It was so cathartic to see Lois ripping away the barriers, and just...Gah!!!

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Oh, this was just a wonderful revelation. Metallo is one of my favorite episodes and I love how she's making Clark admit what's really going on. Thank you

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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So awesome! Definitely a reveal that I wish had been canon smile1
I loved how she didn't give up and got him to be honest with her and himself. This fic made me so happy :3 and I hope when she fully processes everything she doesn't get too angry.

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All the heart emojis on this one!!! This reveal, oh man, it’s so genuine and earnest! So much, just, wow. Right in the feels! It didn’t feel like it was that long, I could not stop reading.

I don’t know how to do the cute moving emojis in here but I think that cute bouncy guy fits here!!! Happy year of ficlets

“I should’ve known better than to order chinese food from a place called Ralph’s Pagoda.”
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You should rename this series. 110 ways to drown your readers in angsty goo…. With kisses.

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Loved this! So sweet and emotionally immersive. I just raced through the whole middle section and had to go back and start over again!

...but he didn’t stay and talk afterwards. Not that he has to, but…I don’t know. I thought we were closer than that, so it hurts that he didn’t confide in me or ask for my help.
I think this is a brilliant point to name here - it's such a sticking point for me with Lois & Superman. Like... HOW do you end a conversation? You can't ever be like, 'let's finish this conversation over coffee,' or anything. And it's Superman, so everyone is always watching, so conversations can't really be that long or involved. So he just ends up flying off, and leaving things unsaid, and leaving her wanting MORE, and it just creates more desire on Lois' part because he never gives her the closure of finishing a conversation. And I feel like he perpetuates this cycle. I love that you brought this in here because any time something obviously affects Superman, he still has to just end the conversation, and Lois has no idea she's continuing the conversation with Clark later. Of COURSE she's hurt! It would make me crazy.

and there he is, standing just inside my window, inviting himself right in because he knows he’s welcome. Always.

He’s got his arms crossed in front of him, relaxed but adding that small hint of distance between us. Always.
SLAYING me with this parallel sentence structure. And the 'hint of distance' is so sad.

I step closer, wondering if this now is him letting me in, being vulnerable.
Such a nice detail, because while it's true for Lois' question about the superhero, I feel like this is such a real question women always have to tiptoe in to figure out!

and I see it in his eyes, the moment he chooses to turn me down instead of let me in...
Ughhhh, nooooooo. It's crushing every time. mecry

...what hurts me even more is how clearly painful it is for him to do it. Every time. And I don’t understand.
And there's no way, really, she'd easily piece this together, either. One of those moments you just want to slap Clark silly.

“Something’s gotta give, Superman, because I can’t play this game anymore.”
That one bothers him.

Right now, he’s never looked more human to me, and there’s almost this familiar comfort to it.
I love your moments where her brain latches onto something like this!

I nod and nod again, because my heart is in charge here. My brain might be mad later, but oh God, right now he needs me like I need him.
Awwwwwwwww! And he's just about the only person who can cut through all the barriers she puts up to get here.

Re-reading this, something I love is that he actually listened enough to let her change his mind. She asked him to come back; he did. She asked him why this was so hard; he answered her. He didn't go over there to tell her, but she actually tried to have a mature conversation about it, and he followed her lead. I love this version of them - it really feels like they fit. love

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I love this! It’s so emotional and heartfelt. The reveal is perfect. I wish the series had done this. Thanks for a beautiful and touching story!

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I really, really want to respond to everyone individually, but I'm feeling so behind lately that I'm giving myself permission not to (even though I'm still anxious about it—anyone else have all the anxieties about all the things?? *raises hand* lol)

In any case, thank you all SO MUCH for the wonderful feedback. I really love how this one came out, so I'm glad y'all did too!! love

Thank you again,
Sara smile

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Hi Sara!
The next one about Lois and Clark [Linked Image]

Holy moly, this one got more emotional than I expected!
Clark kissed Mayson and Lois saw?
CLARK: Would you believe me if I told you that I just wanted to make her forget about us?

(And I’d also say it got longer than I expected too,
Firefox Reader Mode says it’s okay.

but I honestly…I knew it would get out of hand at some point and made no guesses about how long it would be.
NOTE: Deep insight into writer’s process.

And…gosh…if Lois knew, she would be SO PISSED, wouldn’t she?
You know, in British English you’d have an alternative meaning to this sentence.
LOIS: I would not get black out drunk over a guy dumping me. I’m not my mother. Ugh, I’m so pissed right now.
/points at bachelor auction in Season One.
LOIS: I was much younger then.

I mean, the manipulation is…kinda…not cool.
Clark likes to… twiddle with Lois’s… buttons.

I wanted to see what would happen if Lois called Superman out here at the end of the episode and made him explain himself. It…did not go quite the way I expected.
I figure neither did Lois?

Lois confronts him about his inconsistent behavior when it comes to her.
He keeps dumping her. It is very consistent.

The water in the bath is tepid now, and while taking a hot bubble bath has helped relax my tired muscles, it’s done nothing to stop my mind from working overtime.
Ah, Metallo was the ep where Superman visited Lois while she was taking a bath.

It was a blow to my heart and my confidence that he never reached out to me for help or…comfort.
Awww…foreshadowing to her role as a professional caregiver.

I turn, and there he is, standing just inside my window, inviting himself right in because he knows he’s welcome. Always.
One does wonder how he timed it so perfectly, waiting just long enough for her to tie her robe.

If I just had a chance to show him and tell him how I care about him as more than just a superhero…
Yes. Important difference. She doesn’t just care about him as a superhero rescuing her. She also cares about him as a man with a well-defined physique.
LOIS: Hey! He also has a gentle heart.

I wasn’t being brave. He’s my partner and best friend—of course I’d save him. Really, it was nothing.
Awww…self-deluding Lois clap

“No, I guess not,” I admit. “I guess there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him,” I tell him.
What about breaking up with Superman?

And I don’t understand. It doesn’t make sense why he won’t let himself be open.
His wife didn’t consent to an open relationship.

I know he can probably hear my heart racing. Does it sound different than when it’s racing for completely different reasons?
laugh also awww

Obviously something changed between…last summer…and the time you started dropping by again in the evenings.
It may be directly proportional with how much attention Lois gives to Clark. How friendly she is to him.

“I know!” I almost shout. “You made it perfectly clear last summer that you care about me but you can’t—or won’t—be with me under the circumstances. But those circumstances keep changing, Superman. I don’t even know what they are because you won’t tell me!”
They’re easy. Marry Clark, and Superman will be happy to be your hero on the side.

watch as Superman flinches at my words—I’m yelling at Superman in my living room, and it’s all a little too unreal for me.
Neighbors: That Lane woman again. Every week it’s another man she’s loud with.

“You can’t? Or you won’t?” I level a look at him so he’s clear on what my assumption is.
He’s mentally and physically capable of telling her. Which means it is “won’t”.
LOIS: mad

I huff and cross my arms too. “Something’s gotta give, Superman, because I can’t play this game anymore.”
Meanwhile, back in high school…

That one bothers him. “I’m not playing any game!”
He got a bet with Clark going.

“Dancing. On. Air. For heaven’s sake, Superman, you closed the window that night and kissed me goodnight. And now you want me to date Clark? What’s different?”
That’s not gamesmanship, that’s sending mixed signals.

. “You can’t choose who I date or don’t date. Unless it’s you taking yourself out of the running, you can’t choose for me.”
He kind of could if they were exclusive.

“Is this really ‘goodbye,’ then? No more late night visits or dancing on air?”
For now, at least.

. “It’s… Sometimes it’s hard to stay away from you.”
That’s the 100% speaking.

I’m not sure what he’s trying to say. “Clark’s not a consolation prize,” I tell him.
I’m sure that’s not what the blue dolt meant.

“You saved my life yesterday. I just…want you to know I’ll never forget that.”
It’s not like there’s that many people he would have to remember.
LOIS: just self-preservation, I guess.

“You saved my life yesterday. I just…want you to know I’ll never forget that.”

My head and heart are spinning, fighting through the heavy emotion of the moment so I can try and remember when I might have saved his life, but I can’t…and the words are so familiar…
Wait. Oh. Oops?

My breath catches as his hand comes to cup my cheek, warmth and tingling almost overwhelm me even as I lean into his touch. I guess circumstances are changing again?
It’s quite the back and forth, isn’t it?

He takes a deep breath before continuing. “There are things about me you don’t know, and this week…this week, Lois, you showed me that all the reasons I haven’t told you these things—this thing—they’re not good reasons, not anymore…”

“…and I hope you’ll forgive me…for being stupid and thoughtless and…scared…”
He felt she wouldn’t want a married man.

Right now, he’s never looked more human to me, and there’s almost this familiar comfort to it.
Random scene bunny: Lois needs comforting. Luckily, Superman is there. She falls asleep on his shoulder. When she wakes up, she calls him Clark and Superman answers “yes, Lois” (or “I love you, Clark”).

Clark with Superman’s hair and Clark’s glasses in his hand.
They’re like twins! Maybe Clark’s a defective clone.

“Can you forgive me?”

I nod and nod again, because my heart is in charge here. My brain might be mad later, but oh God, right now he needs me like I need him.

So I reach my hands up to frame his face, drawing him closer, and I close my eyes as our lips touch.
/marks prompt/

I nod slightly against his forehead. “I should be really, really mad at you right now.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Oh, I’ll be plenty mad later,” I assure him, but there’s no edge to my tone.
Gently kissed Lois is adorable!

“Because I care about you,” I say, looking into his eyes. “And…I really want you to kiss me again.”

He laughs even as his arms tighten around me. “I think that can be arranged.”

The End
Very nice. Very sweet. Very satisfying.

wave Michael

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