Ooooooo - a Superman run-in! That was close! And it kills me, too, because I DO wonder if they would just be better off working together.
The first stop was a Costmart, an odd place to shop, as in a few years the whole chain would be closed after I expose it as a front for a crime syndicate in a Kerth winning investigation.
Fun little call-out - the subtleties of how time has changed here without Clark are fun to follow.
Also, I just realized that this timeline MIGHT have spared Lois Mayson, and I'm now wondering.... worth it?

but it had remained a mantra for many years and now it was not just calling my name, but shouting at me to pay attention.
Her reporter's instinct has always been one of her strongest tools. It's great to see that it's serving her now.
Had I only said yes because Superman had rejected me and I did it to lash back at him?
Oh, man, that hindsight is 20/20.

...and I find myself whispering his name in awe.
My heart skips a beat in fear as he turns his head toward me. Has he heard me?
I think he'd hear her whisper him name halfway across the city at this point. This is so much sadder with the circumstances you've given them.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been that close to the hero and it’s as though I’ve forgotten how astounding he is in close proximity.
It's so sad that she thinks this is
just because he's a superhero, and has no idea this is partly because they're soulmates, too.

and I slip away unnoticed...
I can't help but wonder if she truly could ever slip away from him unnoticed, or if she doesn't see that he's really just letting her go.
Can't wait to see what comes next!