LOIS: At least Scardino doesn’t run out on me every time I have something important to say.
Jimmy was targeted as a kid in a secret military experiment to create sleepers.
We get Scardino’s penchant for weird gifts that Lois doesn’t know what to do with.
Scardino asks Lois out again. She declines. Quotes that she’s dating Clark.
Scardiino highjacks Lois’s stakeout for a picnic date.
Clark calls Scardino Inspector Gadget.
Clark’s jealous of Scardino, Perry picks up on it and calls Clark into his office to get Clark to actually be proactive on the Lois department instead of using a wait-and-see approach
Clark has started to not spend time with Lois outside of work. During a stakeout he tries again and then has to run away on a rescue. Later, he runs out on Lois again.
Lois and Clark try to get into the hospital by dressing up as pregnant woman and doctor.
Col. Wilder was in charge of Project Valhalla. Got dishonorably discharged in the late 70s
In the big scheme of things, the episode sets up Lois and Clark's relationship troubles and uses Sarah the first year psych student to shine a light on things.
