So happy to see another chapter posted! I've devouring these chapters as soon as I see them!
I’ve tried to make myself look as old and frumpy as I can, on the slim possibility that Jack won’t recognize me.
He will, though. He’s a smart kid.
Wells had said to not let anyone know who I am, but I’ve hit a wall and I’m going to take the chance. There’s something about Jack that makes me believe I can trust him with this secret.
I know that Lois wasn't keen on Jack in the series, but I'm SO HERE FOR THIS! Let's convert her! Jack is a great asset!
I hadn’t been prepared for Jack’s bitterness and anger.
Oh, yikes, yeah, she
really wasn't working with all the information. In the universe where nothing works out, is it awful to say that she deserves it?
The last words from Jack had been a warning for me to not rely on Superman’s help in the future...
I really love how you're elevating him to Clark's emotional watchdog. He's been falsely imprisoned, and he's still worried about Clark.
“That’s the kid that framed Jack.”
Love to see that Lane luck at work!
The police arrived and arrest Pete Black...
Oh, no! Is Lois unwittingly sending him where Jack is!?
He’d leave his apartment, and I’d have no problem following him at a distance but then he’d vanish into thin air.

Her bafflement is adorable.
The light turns and the pedestrians start to cross, Clark crossing with them. I stay on the corner, rooted in place, feeling overcome with sorrow.
Poor Lois. This is a really nice exploration of what she can push and what's a trigger. Grief works in such funny ways. I thought we'd get a run-in with Clark, but I didn't expect such a poignant moment.
She moved to L.A, and eventually became one of the most sought after fashion reporters based out of Europe. She was the only one I could remember that I had been somewhat friendly with, and I wasn’t going to interfere with her life right now; it had turned out pretty spectacular.
YES! Good things for Cat Grant! I love that you've chosen to give her this ending, and not make her collateral somehow.
Her introspection at the end of this just offers us such a sense of melancholy overall, but this section just wraps us in her carefully held pain.
Instead, I’d been lost, remembering vividly all the times he’d been right there with a comforting word or hug and knowing how much I’d missed in my life not having Clark there. I often told myself I’d never really fallen in love. It was a lie I’d clung to so I didn’t have to face the truth, but today at that crosswalk, it hit me full force.
Looking forward to what comes next!