This was so fraught - I really feel for Lois. The added details about how Clark was gone from her life really juxtaposes nicely with the alternate timeline 'memories' she's gaining, like the one in the yellow shirt. It really adds to the impact of the whole mood of the story.
She was gone in my own time, I have to trust that she’ll have moved on in this time too.
Fingers crossed for Pamela! She seems great!
When I’d received his invitation to the Kerth ceremony, I’d been delighted that he was finally receiving the recognition he so deserved.
It's so sad that it takes him so much longer than it otherwise might have, and your descriptions neatly drive that home. It's also interesting to see Lois doing penance in tutoring Jimmy, even when the help it provides is limited.
As Jimmy recognizes Jack, I feel a wave of dizziness and try to fight it off, but this is unlike the other episodes I’ve encountered. I don’t feel as though I’m going to faint, but I certainly feel weak.
I love how you help guide us to figure out what's going on here. I like that this chapter really helps us learn the rules of how she can help to erase herself, and the ways she interferes.
My elation is dampened by a flash of bitterness as I realize Perry had been in Metropolis but hadn’t come to the wedding.

Ouch. But... yeah...
Sadly, several weeks after the investigation had closed, Henderson had been shot and killed.

Oh my god, I clutched my pearls when I read this! Well, now we
HAVE to set the timeline back on track! Not Henderson!

After all these years of not being anywhere near Superman then to hear him regularly and be so close to him twice in the last few weeks, is overwhelming.
This is such a nice emotional detail.
Oh, I just love the way you're popping Star into this story. I love when she gets the 'good friend' narrative. She really was.
It wasn’t until after Lex’s death that he’d reappeared.
YIKES. Whether it was blackmail or emotional baggage, this has so much impact!
I’d intentionally not gone looking for Clark, especially once social media really took off.
This whole section is really great - from how you keep them separated in the digital age, to how she can't be free of Superman, to how gut-wrenching it all is - it's really breeding a sense of loss and showing the calcified, unheeled wound.
Though in retrospect it was more mocking than teasing.
This is such a great distinction, and used so well here on someone remembering it 20+ years later.
I’d barely known him, but I’d known him better than anyone else.
This is heartbreaking, here, especially since she's still missing so much.
Even when Clark gets into the car, I feel no physical side effects.
Oh, no! But she doesn't remember this? So mysterious!
Can't wait to see how this plays out!