Informing you now that this story is officially in nail biter status! After reading this part I decided to read the story it again when complete. So powerful, yet melancholy. Lots of fascinating time pivots (Pamela the barmaid/lawyer and Henderson's murder to name a few) to keep my attention long after the part is read.
Traffic, both vehicular and on foot, begins to pick up around an hour later and I watch two delivery vehicles park in the no parking zone at the front doors. The drivers climb out, open the rear doors, and begin to offload. A security guard and an employee of LexCorp rush out to them and begin arguing. I seize my opportunity, dash across the street, and grab a large flower arrangement from the back of one of the trucks, slipping past the arguing men then heading in the front doors.
“Excuse me! Lady with the flowers!”
My nail biting begins!
“Sorry about that. I was told to come in this way,” I say as sweetly as I can before turning around.
Sweetly? SWEETLY?!

please tell me where Mad Dog Lane went? Again, this is another sign of her maturity. Lois has gained... patience. Egad!
Not willing to push my luck and end up arrested, I quickly leave. I walk into the sunshine at the front of LexCorp Tower amazed at how busy the street has become. Cars, taxis and limousines are pulling up to the entrance, dropping off their passengers and driving away. I cross the street, slip into the alley, and contemplate my next move. I’ve now got to try to gain access to the building. There had been a few emergency exit doors that I should try.
Aha! There's the indomitable Mad Dog Lane! She's taken the sneaky route rather than dive in feet first without checking the water level! It makes sense that Lois would know the emergency exit doors to the building, after all this place was going to be her home once she and Lex returned from their fabulously exotic honeymoon. Lex probably wanted her to know how to get out of there in case of a intolerably bad situation, like avoid photographers from disreputable tabloids like The Star or the Ditch digger. Those rags had creeps hanging around all over the area.
“Officer, what’s going on here?”
I freeze as I recognize that voice, a voice I haven’t heard in decades.
“She was trying to break into the service entrance earlier, Inspector, and she’s still hanging around.”
“Is that so?”
I turn around, holding the flowers so my face is mostly obscured. “Please, I need to deliver these and they won’t let me through the foyer.”
Henderson frowns at me as I tremble with nerves. I have no idea what revealing my identity to him would mean for either of us.
“I’ll deal with this,” Henderson dismisses the man.
“Care to explain?” He asks, his voice lowered so only I can hear.
“Don’t play dumb, Lois. Is it still Lois?”
After reading that Inspector Henderson was killed by Nigel St. John, reading this exchange between an older, wiser Lois and the laconic detective was a sheer delight!
I can’t hint at my involvement, even though it’s only been pointing people in the right direction and maybe a little meddling to get Jack out of juvie. Henderson can’t know I was helping behind the scenes; no one can know.
Fascinating. Lois put everyone on the right track. Brava!
I know you’ll do almost anything to get the story.”
“I skirt the law, I don’t break it… often.”
That earns me a smirk.
Nearly fell out of my chair from laughing so hard. Crisp writing!

“Whatever promotion they offer you, whatever job you’re offered when this is over, take it.”
How will taking either a promotion or new job keep Nigel from shooting him?
Finally, my legs trembling, I see a doorway, with no door, and the end of the stairs. I had noticed the air becoming progressively cooler as I continued and now it’s making me shiver as I’ve stopped moving. I bring my hands together in an attempt to warm them up a little and stare in shock.
They’re - for the lack of a better word - fading!
Her mission is almost complete!
How are you going to wrap everything up with just two more chapters?