This was structurally so clever to jump back to where we stepped into the alternate 'beginning.'
It’s the complete adoration in his eyes that makes my stomach flip.
We're so few sentences in, and already completely in tune with having saved this universe instead of the other.
“Jimmy receiving a lifetime achievement award when he’s only in his early forties? He’s still got a lifetime left!”
Yay! She saved Jimmy! Love this. And I especially love the idea that he's got a lifetime left, because it aligns so brilliantly with the rest of the story. Alt-Lois gave her life for these characters to have a second chance at theirs, and then the result is that they all sort of doubled the fulfillment of their own lives.
Once upon a time I would have turned on the television, but with the convenience of smartphones and the web at my fingertips, it’s made it much easier to figure out what my husband disappears off to.
I love how you've incorporated this detail back in!
Many years ago the hotel had been purchased and redecorated before the upper floors were completely gutted and rebuilt.
This brings me a malicious kind of joy, for you to write the destruction of Lex's assets.

I miss what he’s saying as I watch the man smile and tip his old fashioned bowler hat at me before walking around a corner and out of my sight.
CUTE! He's just checking in.

I just LOVE this line, because it shows him really giving respect to her intuition, after this long of a marriage. Love it.

An overwhelming sensation of gratitude and contentment settles over me and I can’t imagine my life being anything other than what it is right now with this amazing man by my side.
This is such an all-encompassing, satisfying ending!
I'm sad this is over, but I had such a great time with this story!
(Also, what's the other favorite HoL story that you've written??)