I should have written a comment a week ago but I waited until I was on the PC because it is difficult from a cell phone.
I loved the way this story develops but there is one point that I liked the most:
Kal beamed and slapped his back firmly with his hand before then gripping his shoulder. It was so strange to be touched so readily and with such strength, for Kal was applying far more power than he ever would with a human. Tal's eyes met his, and he knew his brother was revealing in the relaxed contact just as much as he was.
Since I first saw the L&C series (many years ago =P) I always imagined how terribly alone he must have always felt, even if he manages to blend in with humans and Lois accepts him unconditionally... his loneliness is enormous!!
And not only his loneliness, the fact of being so strong and invulnerable and not being able to feel a caress or fraternal gesture without limitations, without worrying about hurting the person he touches or hugs. Because let's be honest, we have all gone through moments of breakdown where we need to be held by someone else, where we feel broken and only a strong hug can keep us standing...
That's why I liked this paragraph so much, Clark doesn't need to limit himself in front of his brother, he doesn't worry about hurting him and at the same time he can receive the same displays of affection from Tal without limitations.
I can't imagine what life must be like when the only hard touches you get are hits from enemies... Because no matter how hard Lois tries, her tightest hug would be light as a feather for Clark.
I wrote all this in Spanish and relied on Google Translate. I hope nothing was lost when translating.
Thanks for your story. I'll keep reading