Plot Bunnies
Intergang finds red kryptonite on Schuster’s Field about 12km from the crash site. What if Clark and Lana went there on a date and Clark got affected as a teenager. Nine months later…
What if Individual Responsibility happens while Mayson is still alive? She sees apathetic / egocentric Superman and her prejudice is confirmed. But at least he no longer does vigilantism.
CLARK: “Maybe we are both afraid of the same thing – being completely intimate with each other.”
BUNNY: What if Lois takes this literally, as in sex.
Bill Church commissioned a team lead by Gene Newtrich (soil engineer) over a year ago to find kryptonite. This would be possibly before Lex bought Kryptonite. Intergang has the B39 files and knows that Superman landed on Earth as a child. They find red kryptonite about 12 km from the crash site.
Bill Church Jr. is in charge of Intergang. Bill Church Sr. has retired.
Bill Church Jr. kidnaps Perry and reveals his Intergang connection point blank.
Bill Church Jr. went to Harvard Business School
Bill Church Jr. got exposed as head of Intergang.
Multiworld Communications. Lois and Clark think it is another front for Intergang.
Intergang HQ is located in the second level basement (“subbasement”) of one of the Costmarts.
Franklin Stern still owns the Daily Planet.
Clark tries to discuss Lois and Scardino’s date. Lois is not forthcoming. Biggest point in favor of Scardino: he doesn’t run off during a conversation.
Clark tells Lois that her going out with Dan upsets him. He promises to not disappear and be there and 700. They continue with 701, 702, etc
Dr. Friskin was Lucy’s shrink first, then Superman’s and finally Lois’s.
According to Dr. Friskin, the red kryptonite unleashed deep feelings Superman had been harboring. He simply has to deal with them.
Jimmy used Madame Zina advice to run the Daily Planet.
