And his tie was devastatingly bland.
Developed quite the taste for quirky and flashy attire, have we, Lois?
It wasn’t that women didn’t have their place, he’d assured her, it’s just that they couldn’t really be taken seriously.
She could understand that, couldn’t she? He’d asked without waiting for an answer.
So well written it's making me go UGHHHHHHHHH! BAD TROY! GO AWAY!
Her imagery of artistic wine splatter had begun there, and it had only become more imaginative as the night progressed.
She hadn’t heard rhetoric like this since the Dark Ages! After the third misogynistic anecdote told from Troy’s energetically narcissistic viewpoint, her fury had finally fried the over-firing synapses in her brain, simply refusing to process his hot air as speech any longer.
Ahhh, all these lines and phrases are brilliant! I love tracking the imagined destruction of his tie (to make it more Clark like 🤣). And omg "energetically narcissistic" is great! But the prize here goes to that very last clause—it's amazing!! Ahh, it's phrasing like this that gave you away (to me) in the ficathon. 😜
After the whole debacle with Johnny Corbin, Ellen had gotten it into her head that neither of her daughters were making the serious strides toward the grandchildren that she’d expected. Setting out to rectify this perceived problem in her usual overbearing way, Lucy had gotten a stern talking-to about what constituted an appropriate male escort and Lois sat through a lecture on the hazards of putting her career first.
Ellen in a nutshell! This she is the one to be giving relationship advice??
The tie, for some reason, was a particular affront to her. It was several shades lighter than his suit and blended in perfectly to create an unobtrusive aesthetic. She unequivocally hated it.
I'm dying!

Oh, usually it's Clark's ties that get all the hatred, so this is a magnificent twist on our little folc-ish trope of tie-hating! 🤣🤣🤣 (P.S. to Lois: You're missing Clark right now...)
“Don’t you start,” she warned. “I’ve had enough of men laughing at me tonight. Especially when they think they’re above me,” she gestured to his altitude, several feet above hers.
He checked his laughter, but still had a glimmer in his eyes as he floated down to meet her at eye level.
“Is this better?”
She couldn’t help but feel like he was teasing her still, though his words were polite and expression innocent. She must be having a bad night if she was being snarky to Superman.
AHHHHH I love this!! The dialogue and the actions and feelings woven together so well!!
He had this way of tacitly suggesting that she agree with him, somehow indicating that he knew she was better than whatever ploy she’d been angling for.
It reminded her of something else. Someone else?
Ack! Brilliant! Love this!
“So can I bring him out here, and push him off?”
He didn’t let himself smile, but there was a distinct tug at the corner of his mouth.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 LOVE that almost smile from him too!
Then she noticed that he hadn’t moved.
Usually he’d have left after an exit line like that.
“What?” It came out softer than she’d intended, her changing mood creeping into her voice.
He broke their gaze and nodded to the door. “With your luck in high places, I thought I’d just make sure you made it inside.”
Something about the way he said it made her think there was laughter behind his statement. Did he still think she would jump? Her temper flashed.
“You don’t trust me!?” she asked, voice high and scandalized.
He was suppressing a smile, she was sure of it.
EEEEEEEE!!! I'm dying!!! This is SOOOOOO them. So on point! And so is right after this when things get serious and they both flip the switch, no questions or hesitations.
It occurred to her right then that maybe Clark had spoiled her for other men. She’d gotten so used to him every day — his deference, his polite manners, his unassuming ease of conversation, his care and concern for her wants, his overall high level of respect…
YESSSSS!!! (He's also spoiled your taste in ties, but love makes you do silly things.)
His acting was awful, but she wasn’t about to critique a Kryptonian gift horse.
AHHAHAHAHAHA!! 🤣 I dunno if I'm just in the right mood or what, but this killed me!! 🤣
She dropped down to the ground - her hop down in perfect tandem with his release. His arm hugged her until she found her balance, and then his hand drifted down to her lower back before he took a half step out of her space. The fluidity of the motion bespoke how many times they’d done this before.
It felt like they were finding their balance together again in other ways, too.
GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Love this! Is this because she's close to guessing the truth??
Maybe she shouldn’t be too hasty in pushing Clark toward a date.
She didn’t want to risk their friendship on something she wasn’t quite sure about. Moreover, Clark and Superman were friends. She didn’t want to introduce that awkwardness between them all, especially when the relationship was inevitably destined to crash down in flames, achieving federal disaster status, as all of her relationships with human men did.
GahhhH!!! Nooooo....
“I need you,” he’d said.
And Superman never lied.
Ahhhhhh! Such an emotional roller coaster at the end! Can I shake some sense into Lois??? AND into Clark??? Oh, these two.... *dreamy sigh*
Thanks for all the FEELS and the laughs!!!