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Beat Reporter
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Happy New Year!  Coming soon, the 2024 version! If you would like, share a title (or working title) and a brief summary, along with anything else you'd like to share (progress, estimated publishing month etc) below. You're welcome to post a snippet of the story in spoiler tags. Looking forward to seeing what we are all working on!
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Okay, I have some from last year I never finished and a sequel to the big one that was posted last year.
Rescue Me: Lois investigates a suicide of a young man in his early 20s. Clark decides to work on a human interest story about a teenage girl who wants to raise her younger sister. As a married couple, Lois and Clark learn that they can’t always bring their stories home with them.
Dancing Over Death: A villain that Lois and Clark thought was dead is back to cause havoc. Will Lois & Clark be able to have their happily ever after even when the villain is out to destroy Clark? A sequel to Murder Over Metropolis.
If You Only Knew: Lois tries to help Clark recover from a tragedy, yet it seems to cause more friction between them then she planned. This story needs to be finished this year; I have been working on it since 2017. Only 3-4 chapters left.
I plan on adding to the New Year's collection when I can also.
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O Brother, Where Art Thou: Clark meets a man his age who looks like him, has the same powers, and was also adopted. Hijinks ensue.
This one is already being posted, but I would very much like to finish it this year. The plot is mostly following season one, skipping a couple episodes here or there, and it's already up to Vatman. So, the ending should come up pretty soon.
Last edited by Queen of the Capes; 01/08/24 02:52 PM.
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Anthology Series - A collection of short fics, not in any order, with one common theme. Three are almost finished, and will probably need a beta shortly, two others are planned/outlined.
[Titled fic but will give the plot away] - I really want to finish this one. I've got a chunk written but I need to decide if I want it to be humorous or have a bit of seriousness mixed with humour.
That's it for the planned to be finished this year, but I'm leaving a spot for one of these. It all depends on what the muse decides it wants to write.
Under The Dancing Lights - One that was on my list to finish last year, but I didn't touch it. It's outlined, just needs to be written beyond the three chapters that are done.
They Called Him Superman - an alt-alt Clark discovers his identity with the help of a persistent reporter.
Summer at the Dairy Freeze - Clark goes undercover at the local Dairy Freeze to investigate why the ice cream machine is always broken.
[Untitled Snowbound fic] - I usually get inspiration for this fic while it's winter.... which it is. I'll hopefully pick away as there's a healthy chunk written.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi, I'm new to the forum although I am a long time LC fan and fanfiction writer (other fandoms). It has actually been about 5 years since I've written anything as I've been raising 3 (soon to be 4) little ones. I wasn't planning on writing again any time soon, but I've had this plot bunny bouncing around in my head for over a month and last night I decided to try to start writing it down. I haven't decided yet if I want to post as I finish chapters or wait until I've finished the whole thing. I have no idea how long it will take me to finish in my limited free time, but I want to give it a try and see if I can get these rusty gears turning again.
Untitled Return from New Krypton story - a coup on New Krypton sends Clark fleeing back to Earth with his nine-year-old "son", Jor-El. He returns home to discover that he has another son with Lois, Jon. Will Clark be able to re-adjust to living on Earth, rekindle his romance with Lois, help Jor learn to live as a human, and become a true father to both boys?
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Welcome, Amanda! Intriguing  You should also check out Discord if you want to have live cajooling while writing new scenes.  Michael
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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I haven't had chance to catch up on reading this thread or making my own post (I know the  are headed my way...) But I wanted to jump in and welcome Amanda to the boards!! We've had loads of long-time FoLCs join us in the last year or so—we're so happy you're amongst the crowd! As Michael said, you should definitely check out Discord! There are a lot of us there and chatting and things every day, especially about fic and writing. We're always down for helping people write! AND we have people doing writing sprints fairly regularly! Come for the peer pressure (to get that story done), stay for the pocket friends you'll make! The link for joining is in my boards signature just below. We hope you join us there!  Sara  P.S. I guess the boards signature doesn't show up sometimes on mobile, so here's the Discord link if anyone wants it!
Last edited by KSaraSara; 01/10/24 02:39 PM. Reason: add PS
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Comming soon (I hope…)
As i hope to finish my masters degree this summer and I hope that work will stop killing my muse, free time and and anything else there might be a possibility for me to get back to the important things in life - writing fanfics.
Breaking point (WIP started about 2019 I think) Starts during Whine, Whine, Whine and shows what might happen when Clark reaches the end of his strength, his resilience and shows how he gets back onto his feet afterwards.
Secrets (I started a few years ago to write the outline but there hasn’t been a serious attempt to write the fic, not until I have a decent outline) In this fic not only Clark will be special, Lois also carries a pretty big one of her own. (The fic will be a crossover with Dark Angel, or at least will be inspired by it.)
I dream of Jeannie (started about 10 years ago, I think 🙄😅 I should get my priorities straight) Another fic inspired by another series, I think the title gives a clue… I really want to finish this one but I can’t figure out what to do with Lois and (naked, amnesiac) Clark on an island.
Rewrite of my older fanfics (those are already on the boards but not on the archive and I want to redo them before sending them over. Sorry @Bek and @Sara I promise as soon as I come back from the near burnout I am currently trying to avoid I promise this will be the first thing I‘ll work on.
Nagging, pointy sticks and friendly reminders are as welcome as rotten tomatoes if I keep forgetting my promises.
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KSaraSara |
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I ended up spending the end of this year writing an unexpected sequel and the holiday fic-a-thon piece (and epilogue), so who knows what next year will bring! But here's what I have current full outlines/partial drafts of: In Between Moments: Pont Neuf - Lois isn’t having a good day, but Superman had a great one. Whose mood will come out on top by the end of the night? An in-universe, out-of-episode scene somewhere amidst Barbarians at the Planet. This will probably be done in the late winter/early spring. In Between Moments: All Fallen Down - A super-short, Clark-centric rewrite of All Shook Up. This one will likely be posted mid-March. In Between Moments: Soup - Lois is out with the flu. Clark eventually gets worried enough that he heads over to take care of her, even though he finds himself a little out of his element. This one actually may fit into a larger story, but for now it's a waffy little snack. Early season 2. Depending on how long the story wants to be, maybe late spring, or late summer? The longer it gets, the later it will be posted. Aftermath: What if Lois had lost her memory at a crucial time for the series, instead of Clark? The stage is set for Lex’s proposal, but is Lois still the same person without her memories? Seeing her life without the bias of personal baggage makes her re-evaluate her decisions and relationships. Inspired by All Shook Up, this story is set near the end of Season 1, immediately after Fly Hard. This is a longer story, and will likely be complete nearer the end of the year. Story of the Century: A sprawling, epic-sized story set in an Elsewhere Season 2, heavily referencing The Rivals and the Luthor empire of Season 1. ...this is technically 'upcoming' but I'm guessing 2026 at this point. Resurrection: A story set in Season 2, post-TOGOM, in a world where Clark didn’t make it back. This is a resurrection story, and should feel pretty familiar if you've read my other writing so far. This will probably be done in the late winter/early spring? It's 'complete' but in the final editing stages. Here's an excerpt from the little epilogue that is now twice the length of the original fic: The first gun went off, striking just to her right.
“Superman! Help!” she shrieked.
At least partially obscured by the van, she went still and curled into a fetal position, low to the ground, to create less of a target. No sense in helping the violent fools.
The first shot was followed by a second, closer this time, and pinging off the metal frame just above her.
She tightened herself into an even smaller ball.
A third shot, closer still.
“Superman! Now!”
She heard the unmistakable sound of a semi-automatic.
She sent a plea out into the universe. Please don’t let me die at the hands of thugs this epically stupid.
The rain of bullets began in a staccato hail – and just as suddenly became muffled.
“You lost the bet this week,” came a voice in her ear.
“I lost the bet this week,” she acknowledged in relief, still lying on her side, but now relaxing, huddled safely under his cape, his steel frame between her and the gunmen.
“Are you—“
“I think I’m fine,” she said, not moving as her heart rate slowed, knowing that he was already scanning her anyway.
“Why are you covered in…” he sniffed. “Oil?”
That was a long story.
She sighed, then grumbled, “There’s a vat of it in the back.”
“And you wanted to see what was at the bottom?”
She didn’t dignify him with a reply.
A fluorescent bulb caught a stray bullet above them and exploded. He leaned over her a little further and twitched his cape up to fully cover her head, protecting her from the sparks that rained down.
Tiny glass fragments showered the ground around them like tinkling iridescent snow.
It would have been pretty, if not for the threat that one spark would set her on fire.
He glanced back over his shoulder and a second later she heard one of the punks drop their gun, screeching over the pain in his hand.
That level of untamed mischief in his voice was never a good sign.
All she wanted was a hot bath somewhere far away from all the gun-fire and broken glass, but she’d just bet that her impenetrable shield would continue to sit there immovably until he’d had his fun. It’s not like the idiots behind them were really a threat at this point. She could hear two of them trying to work out how the still-melting gun had become welded to the floor.
“Yes?” she ground out.
“Why are you barefoot?”
She could hear his smile, which added another layer of annoyance heaped upon this entire, awful, misbegotten day.
And honestly, were these punks ever going to stop shooting? All they were doing was keeping her pinned in place so that he could tease her. She wouldn’t forgive them for that as easily as she would for the bullets.
“I broke a heel,” she said, fully aware that it came out as a whine. She’d liked that pair.
“That means shoe shopping this weekend,” he replied cheerily. “You like shoe shopping.”
The words sounded placating, but she didn’t have to look at him to know that he was laughing at her again.
“Oh, shut up.”
He didn’t know it yet, but he was definitely flying her to Milan for those new heels after this was over.
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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Ahh, I love seeing everyone's plans for more fic this year! I wonder if we can beat the total story count from last year??? Let's see...I've got several "stalled" WIPs, a billion bunnies, and I'm also trying (and maybe mostly succeeding?) in writing an original novel (contemporary romance, of course 😆). But here's my guess (and hope!) as to what's up for me this year: More 110 Kisses Stories! Anyone want to take bets as to how far I'll get by the end of the year? I've got 5 done so far. This is a self-imposed challenge to write a ficlet for every prompt on the list, and each one has to include a kiss! I'd really like to get Feels Like Home done this year, which is a sequel to Yours to Discover (which everyone just calls "Canada Story"), and it's sitting at about 16,000 words right now... We'll see if I can figure out my sticky plot snag... I've love to get another in the Martha . . . Series done. The bigggg one I've got going on is something I'm co-writing with Bek—it's an AU called Rewrite the Stars, and it's...epic. It's currently at ~162,000 words and is about half done. A tale about what might happen if Lois never showed up in the alt-universe from the show. Would altClark have married Lana? Or is there someone else who comes into his life who can help him rewrite the stars? I suppose I ought to do at least one Fade to Black this year...we'll see which plot bunny floats to the top there. Ack that's a lot! And I'm sure my muse will just be distracted all over the place, so... wish me luck! Sara 
Last edited by KSaraSara; 01/26/24 08:39 PM.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Here are a few of my stories in the works that I hope to finish and begin posting some time this year:
Investigate: Fluff Interlude: Interlude between the 6th and 7th Acts of AU series, Investigate. A collection of scenes detailing Lois and Clark entering a new stage of their lives. Parenthood.
Investigate: Entrust: 7th Act of AU series, Investigate. Years after Act 6, Lois and Clark are parents and the world is a different place, but a dangerous threat is secretly growing and will become known soon. Is Earth ready to learn the ultimate secret? Are the Kents ready to share? Will they have a choice?
A Picture's Worth: A picture’s worth a thousand words. What if Lois hadn’t stopped Jimmy in time from taking pictures of Superman after Metallo had defeated him? What would the aftermath and consequences be? An AU of Metallo, season 2, episode 10.
The Late Mr. Kent: Lois begins an investigation into an American journalist who was killed while exposing an arms smuggling ring in the Congo. Coupled with that, there's also a flying man performing rescues around the world.
I'm not sure how my muse will do this year. At the moment, life is hectic and my muse isn't cooperating, but I still hope to make progress and kick my muse into gear.
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