Hi Author!
Disclaimer: there’s guesses all throughout. If you haven’t guessed yourself yet, beware!
From the authors left, I got Bakasi and JadedEvie. Both have disguised their usual formatting styles. Right now, I lean closer to Evie for this story based on the m-dash style in the other story.
Appalachian View Lodge. She heaved a sigh of relief and gripped the steering wheel tighter.
Gripping start. Is she hunting Mayson?
Clark was sound asleep in the passenger seat.
Perhaps he was having a pleasant dream.
Lois. Him sleeping next to her.
He murmured her name with a tenderness in his voice that made Lois’ heart beat faster.
Need to check if both use the short style.
/edit/ yeah, they do.
Taking a shaky breath, Lois uncurled her fingers only to tighten them once again. An entire weekend lay ahead of them, more than enough time to reconnect and explore his lips.
Darn. When is this?
He was still a bit pale, even though he would insist on almost being back to normal.
Hmm… after Season Three’s Kryptonite Christmas?
Memories of the fire in the South Side a few days ago resurfaced unbidden. Superman had rescued people from a burning building and had helped put out the flames while Lois had gotten quotes for their story.
Is that Crush?
spectators had suddenly held a strange gun-like weapon trained on her. Before she’d really understood what was happening, Superman had pushed her to the ground as he’d intercepted the blast.
Since she calls him Superman, crossover with Ultra Woman? Did she figure it out? I think so.
. Yet, Clark had paid the price. He’d almost been killed because of her, because someone had planned Superman’s death to take revenge on her.
Or is it Season Three after all.
. The terror of having him almost die on her was still so fresh in her mind, just as painful as watching him collapse from Dillinger’s bullet had been.
Sounds more and more like Season Three.
Her heart kept racing. No matter how many steadying breaths she took it refused to calm until, finally, she reached out with a trembling hand. His fingers uncurled at her touch, allowing her to slip her hand into his.
Awww… touch to calm down

He blinked, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Are we there?”
“Yeah.” She didn’t dare to say more, lest he pick up on how much her voice was quivering and just how close she was to crying.
You’re building quite the heart wrenching mood here!
Only three people in the whole wide world knew the man underneath the Superman suit.



The nagging worry crept back up on her. Once his powers had returned, he’d buried himself in his Superman duties as if he was trying to make up for something. He’d worn himself ragged and it was still showing.
It does not feel like Bakasi somehow. So, JadedEvie gets more weight.
He winked at her, the gleam in his eyes indicating that he did indeed look forward to these mundane tasks.
Awww…no life or death supering. Just plain handiwork Lois can appreciate.
Any other guy she’d gone out with would only have considered such an outing worth his time if it involved crossing the intimacy threshold.
So, firmly in Season Three, before the VR episode.
Clark, on the other hand, seemed completely content to spend time with her, even at the prospect of having to do a few chores.
To go with the trope, chores are how he compensates for the lack of crossing.
Her heart fluttered, both at the idea of watching him fix some plumbing problems and the possibility of their relationship moving forward.
/blinks/ No, this only sounds dirty in my mind. Right?
Lois hoped their impromptu stay at this remote hotel would turn out better than their trip to Spencer’s island had.
Are we going to pinpoint the episode?
Lois fought to put on a lighthearted tone. “Yeah, it’s really a strange coincidence that she called right when the two of us could really use a little rest. Not to mention some time alone.”
There was nothing coincidental about this invitation; but Clark didn’t need to know that. As far as Lois was concerned he didn’t need to know anything about the things going on in Metropolis.
He always seemed to notice when something was bothering her.
That’s true! Just look how quickly he noticed that Lois was mad after she told him that he is Superman.
“Who are you and what did you do to Lois Lane?”
Much less funny after the ARGH.
When he’d crashed into her, his chin had connected with her forehead, resulting in a cut. She’d tried to convince him that it wasn’t a big deal. Still, he’d fretted over it and apparently still wasn’t done.
Let’s hope he won’t dump her again. Too hard for his own good. Also, the downside of having chiseled features.
Lois’ gaze involuntarily dropped to his shirt that revealed a perfect view of his firm pectorals and abs. It took her a moment to draw her eyes back to his face.
Too bad they had decided on waiting. Oh wait…
He straightened his glasses, swallowed and kept his attention so firmly trained on her eyes that Lois couldn’t help but think that he, too, had a hard time not being distracted by the sight of her in a wet shirt.

All that’s missing now is a cop knocking on the motel room’s door.
Her back ached to feel the comfort of his hand, but it never came.
Awww this would have been a good KSaraSara indicator if I hadn’t already pinpointed her before in another fic.
For years, he’d been so very patient with her, so surely she could be patient with him.
But now that she’d finally admitted to her feelings for him, she did not want to be patient. She wanted to know what it was like to love Clark Kent, to be loved by him now that there were no secrets left between them.
Oooh, she decided it’s now safe to allow her hormones to take charge!
“But I’m getting ahead of myself. I guess it would be better to start with showing you to your room.”
/clocks eyebrow / Room ? Singular?
“I hope you two are comfortable with sharing a room.
Though, from what I could see just a moment ago, it sure looks like it.”
Actually, Clark might be very… uncomfortable sharing a room with Lois.
“It’s okay,” Lois replied quickly, “we’ll be fine.”
Big bed. They can share?
Would he insist that it was finally his turn taking that bed or would they share?
Depends on the politeness of the company.
And just a few short weeks ago Clark had proposed to her.
I’m thinking this is before Contact.
While a part of her longed to feel his body above hers, not in a ruse this time, she wasn’t sure she was ready for all the implications.
It’s okay if they’re both dressed.
“Sorry, if I startled you,” he said quietly. “You looked so uncomfortable and since nobody was watching…”
Plus, he was getting distracted.
With a start, Lois realized that she didn’t want it to stop there. She ached to feel his skin under the tips of her fingers. The thought of exploring his body was strangely exciting.
Okay, I really want to scroll down to the prompts. This is probably for kovetvfan.
. A night in front of a campfire that ended with them being held at gunpoint could hardly count as a date in her book.
/cocks eyebrow/
LOIS: What? Can’t a girl crave some romance? Ooh, frogs! Yummy!
It was the perfect opportunity to get to know each other on a more physical level.

And while she was at it, she could also rid Clark of the strange notion that he was dangerous to her.
It’s a Contact fix it!
. “But why would she pick a weekend when her hotel is already overbooked?”
“Okay, she didn’t invite us,” she relented. “I needed a place for us to lay low and my mother suggested Dorothy’s hotel.”
Clark paled and pulled his hand back. His expression changed from concerned to alarmed.
“Lay low?” he croaked.
You know, I get the feeling he’s shocked about the need of laying low instead of the act of Lois laying low.
LOIS: mmmm yummy froggy!
Biting her lip, Lois wondered what she could to tell him that wouldn’t have him run off in a heroic, but completely insane attempt to keep her safe. He was so sweet, but sometimes such a moron.
See? Shocked about the wrong thing. And now we can start cataloging who uses what version of thick-headed for Clark.
And she loved him for it.
She really did.
If only…
Didn’t drive her crazy?
. “The guy who shot at you managed to escape from prison.”
Clark’s brows rose toward his hairline and he gave a slight shake of his head. “He shot at you.”

kryptonite fun means Superman
“Oh, come on Clark,” she begged anyway. “He had a kryptonite laser for Heaven’s sake. Who do you think was his true target?”
“I was a fool to believe that I could have a normal life, that being in love and having a relationship with you were possible.”
He really should be careful with his next words if he still hopes to get some this weekend.
“You’re not saying what I think you’re saying, are you? You,” her voice broke. “You’re not breaking up with me!”

It’s Contact!
You’ve been thrown out of a plane,
We call that recreational parachute jumping.
, I nearly killed you because Mazik blackmailed me
Nearly. So, almost not at all.
Spencer used you to get Superman.”
It’s a daily routine. Like getting coffee and bagel.
He swallowed hard. “And now you’re hurt, again because of me. I can’t let anything else happen to you.”
He does realize they’re in a hotel room and are supposedly there for the entire weekend. Him storming off wouldn’t look very good. Cause new hardship for Lois and her relationship with her mother.
Though she wanted to, Lois couldn’t bring herself to be angry at him.
“angry at” vs “angry with”
/does board search/
/digs up The End of the Fight/
Eeep! Bakasi does use bold instead of italics. And a bunch of “angry at” in her stories.
/does further searches/
Fascinating on the usage of these phrases.
/learns new stuff on grammar all the time/
But not a clue. Alas the bold text *is* a clue. A pretty big one in fact.
/needs to revise author guess/
Boy, bold things you miss for not fixing the Reader Mode compatibility sooner.
On with the story!
On a different subject: Lois considers opening up even more and deepening their relationship and Clark thinks breaking up with her is the best course of action. Someone should tie him to a tree in the woods or something!
The strongest man in the world stood before her, shaking and pale, at the verge of crying and about to shut her out of his life. She sensed his walls going up.
In nfic, this is where someone usually gets naked to make a statement.
She was going to lose him! He was slipping through her fingers, right before her eyes. She needed to knock some sense into him
Tie him to the bed?
Without really thinking about her next step, Lois silenced him with a fierce kiss
/checks watch/ right on schedule.
He stumbled back and lost his balance. They tumbled onto the bed.
Big bed. Let’s share.
Her hands started to fumble with the hem of his shirt, aching to feel his naked skin.
Really thinks he won’t leave her after?
“Lois,” he gasped between kisses. “Don’t do this.”
“Why? Don’t you like it?”
No, he does. But we’re on the kid-friendly side of the boards and stopping would be painful.
Had her kisses left him cold, like she'd been told so often?
Yes, if she can’t even light a fire in Superman’s belly?
every thug and his dog would be after you to make me do their bidding.”
But they already do. Well, the dangerous ones.
. “That guy shot at you to lure me into a trap. If I hadn’t been in time, who knows what would have happened? Even a kryptonite laser is still a laser.
Worst case, she ends up with powers.
Being Superman is the life I chose. I want to help people, even if it means that I become a target. But you… you never asked for any of this and… “
/looks at hole he’s digging /
“I guess I never really thought much about the consequences,” he muttered. “I dated a few women before meeting you, but there was not a single one I thought would be able to accept my alien side.”
Ooh, we’re getting this convo, too?
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” he mumbled. “You’re so much braver than I am.”
He did get lucky, didn’t he?
LOIS: Not yet.
Lois’ heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her chest as he finally moved in to capture her lips in a gentle kiss.
You really do want us to mark this down in the Kiss and the WAFFY cats, don’t you?
Heat pooled deep within her belly and she moaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss. All coherent thoughts just stopped. Lois was only aware of his hands slowly exploring her body, his lips on hers and the whiff of his breath on her face that turned slightly erratic. A rush of desire made her nerve ends tingle with anticipation. She didn’t want him to stop kissing her.
So, you have them kissing in a hotel room. Wonder what will be next… oh, look! Small asteroid!
But, suddenly, he pulled back, a sheepish smile on his lips. “Sorry, I’m making you all wet.”

Also, I need to mark Bakasi down for “not afraid of double entendre” in the next GTA.
But the last thing she wanted was for him to move away again.
She grabbed his shirt and undid the first button, her heart racing at the prospect of undressing him.
Sounds reasonable. Undress him so he no longer looks like a wet Wookie. Or smells like one.
She undid the next two buttons, but couldn’t hold herself back any longer. With bated breath, she exposed his naked chest and ran her hands along his skin. He shivered at her touch, his eyes clouding over with desire. She placed a kiss on his chest, leaving a trail of wet skin behind as she moved lower.
I think I already guessed Other Sara for the prompts.
They said that his suit left little to imagination.
It wasn’t true.

Nobody could even begin to guess what or rather who truly was beneath that spandex.
“Like what you see?” he asked playfully.
“Yes,” she whispered.
Nine o’Clark.
Removing his belt was the logical next step. And yet, it would give their encounter a whole new, definite meaning.
No, not really. Lois likes to enjoy a little light breaking and entering in the afternoon.
A part of her was dying to find out what it would be like to make love to him. All it would take was to move her hands lower and undo his belt.
Oh boy, she really *is* inexperienced.
Still, she hesitated, though she had no idea why.
It’s because she’s in a kid-friendly space.
. A part of her was probably still scared that she would blow it.
/Plugs fingers into ears, scrunches eyes shut and goes ‘lalalalala!’ /
Making love with Clark would probably be better than with Claude.
For one, she’d still have a story to tell the next day.
She knew that he cared about her enough to make sure -

I have not read enough of Evie to know if she’d be this… naughty. Other Sara is already assigned to
. I really need to check Bakasi’s track record. This is awesome fun with words!
“It’s okay if you’re not ready yet,” Clark pulled her from her musings. “I’m not expecting anything beyond spending time with you.”
Much safer that way for him.
“But I want to…” Lois took a shaky breath. “And I don’t…Gosh, this doesn’t make sense.”

Also , does Bakasi use ‘gosh’? And if not, is it a false trail?
/edit/ Yeah, she does!
He chuckled. “Hey, you’ve got a whole weekend to make up your mind. Or longer.”

“I’ll wait for you as long as it takes,” he whispered between kisses. “No pressure. When we make love one day, I want it to be special for both of us.”
Well, there is their wedding night. It’s not obligatory but it is customary. But then again, that one’s still at least one clone, two mind wipes, and alien birth marriage, and several near death experiences away.
He grinned. “You put up with a lunkhead like me. I’d say that’s plenty.”
And we do love our mutton headed dolt!
Clark wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
“Thank you for saving me,” he whispered.
Then he sealed her lips with another long kiss.
-Sexual tension (or even full NFic if the author wants but not necessary)
-Beginning of relationship
Those were awesomely full filled. Also, Other Sara is the prompt giver.
Don’t want:
-Lex Luthor
-A plot
That’s a homerun, too!
Oooh, someone tried out for Sara

but for some reason I kept drifting toward an episode we all love to hate: Contact.

Well, I’m hoping I did a better job than the show.
But… but… he didn’t break up with her! We won’t get Patrick!

. This story is meant as a replacement for the episode.
/renames story to ‘Close Contact’/
Written by
BakasiWith a great weaving of yarn for our entertainment!
Prompts by