Hey, FoLCs!
We know that one of your favorite parts of the Kerth season is the activities…most especially when there are QUIZZES!!!
Ahh, I was too excited to bury the lede. But you read that right—quizzes are back this year! JadedEvie put an incredible amount of work into building these quizzes for us, and we’re so excited to share them with you SOON!
We’ll also have another fan favorite—Kerth Challenge Prompts!
And, like last year, we’ll have the Writer’s Year In Review post, where authors can share what they loved most about their stories this year. And the Reader’s Year In Review, where readers can share what made them laugh, cry, squee with joy, what their favorite revelation was or their favorite supporting/original character.
You can expect a post from JadeEvie VERY SOON to talk about how the quizzes will work and what the schedule will be! But there will be eight quizzes total, leading up to March 3rd, when nominations start.
We’re still working out exactly what the Kerth Challenge Prompts schedule will be, but at least one a week until the Kerth ceremony on April 20th. These are a great way to try and make sure Ficlet Friday is always covered. Right??

Not to mention, we tend to keep having enough of these to keep the Best Challenge Response, so you
could earn yourself a nomination or award!
We’ll probably post the Year In Review posts in about a week so that people can share their thoughts from now until voting time is over! (Well, and after that too. Feedback is always awesome!)
Have a question? Ask it here! Or you can PM any of the K-Com members or reach out on Discord too! You can also send an email to us here: Kcom@kerthawards.com
In order to help you find all things Kerth for this year, we’ve created a TOC for all the 🏆
2024 Kerth Award Posts🏆.
The Kerth Committee
(KSaraSara, Darth Michael, lovetvfan, and JadedEvie)