Hi Bek!
Oh, look, just an A/N

The treehouse may be cold and drafty, but it’s always been a place of warmth and solace for Clark. And maybe this time, it’ll give him a bit of inspiration too.
It’s not that he’s finding a Lois in there, is it? Darn, who wrote the Ultra-Woman-in-the-Tree-House story a little while ago? Oh, right, one of Sara’s Kisses.
Midwestern University is in a much bigger city than Smallville, and I wasn’t used to all the noise.
Poor guy! Also, now I’m thinking they actually have *two* roads in that much bigger city. One going up and down through the
town city and the other left to right.
The treehouse is good for that. It’s almost as though there’s some barrier up when I’m here, and the sounds I should hear are muted.
A wee bit of Kryptonite in the wood?
And there were more big cities and more noises and more… Everything was more.
/waits till he meets Cat/
/points to previous remark and

years struggling to be…careful. All. The. Time.
Poor guy

But today…today I met someone, and in the moment we met, I knew…something was different about her. She was like sunshine. Warm, life-giving sunshine.
Awww…he visited Japan and met Amaterasu!
So I’m…not sure what’s going to happen now.
/draws diagram/
I stand up and dust my hands off on my pants. Then I leap out into the early morning sky and fly north—a path that somehow already feels familiar and right. Like I’m going…home.
Aww… sweet little mood piece
