Hi Author!
Disclaimer: there’s guesses all throughout. If you haven’t guessed yourself yet, beware!
Midnight Mochas
Author’s Note: This takes place right after That Old Gang of Mine episode in Season Two.
It’s the shortest of the bunch. Could be Queenie. Then again, it contains an author note. Would Queenie be this devious and plant such an elaborate herring?
It was early morning; the dark skies were clear as Superman flew around Metropolis. He was coming back from a train derailment in Star City when he heard her voice.
Not her style, though. Blind Passenger or CarrieRene? Oh, also DC universe reference. Who does that…hmm…
He had made it a habit very early in their partnership to zone in on her heartbeat. Many times, this had saved her life, and other moments, it made him relax knowing she was safe.
Someone copying KSaraSara’s heartbeat kink?
But what was coming from her apartment was anything but peaceful. Superman heard Lois’ heartbeat rapidly increasing and the sounds of her mumbling. When he finally neared the apartment, he stayed in the sky for a moment as he looked through the walls. He found her thrashing in bed
There’s a story kind of like that ages ago. On the other side of the boards.
Superman decided Lois needed a distraction from her bad dreams,
Nope, that story did not have *bad* dreams.
Knocking on the door, he turned his head slightly to hear if she was moving inside.
* * * * *
Lois was standing in the bullpen of the Daily Planet, looking over at the empty desk. She couldn’t believe it was over. Superman couldn’t help. Emil Hamilton was in jail, and even if he could help her, she doubted his ability. No one could bring back her best friend.
Ooooh… dreaming of TOGoM. But… you guys know that Tank isn’t playing, right?
“I just wanted to feel close to Clark,” Lois sighed, wiping her index finger across the mental desk.
Poor dear!
“Who?” Jimmy questioned, shaking his head. “Lois, you need a vacation.
Oh, that’s evil!
Lois started running toward the elevator. She needed to find someone who remembered him. Someone who wouldn’t forget.
As she ran up the steps, she heard the sounds of loud rapid knocking on a door. Stopping instantly, she turned her head.
Quite surreally done

Clark,” she screamed. “Come back.”
Ooooooh, nice!
Suddenly she felt his touch and the sound of his voice.
“Clark,” she whispered.
Hehehe. That Chekov’s Listening was a nice touch!
He couldn’t stand it. When he heard her screaming his name, he had to get into the apartment as fast as he could. It didn’t matter how many questions she would have — he had to get to her.
LOIS: Clark, where is my front door?
“Clark, it was horrible. I couldn’t believe it. Everyone had forgotten about you. No one knew who you were. I can’t stop having these nightmares,” she explained, trying to pull away from him.
This isn’t good. Not good at all. Bad, Clark! Bad!
If she ever switched shampoos, he would never forget the floral smell of vanilla rose.
Awww… also, I thought he wouldn’t be able to pick her out of a line up any more.
Hint: Lois is the one with chocolate breath.
Also, I’m leaning very much towards Blind Passenger because of the senses stuff. Since Morgana isn’t playing.
pulling the blankets over her scantily clad body.
I like how Clark made no mention and Lois immediately goes there.
She grinned as he held out the gifts to her, and suddenly the embarrassment of him seeing her in silky pajamas didn’t matter. This man was a gift.

Then she took the treats out of his hand and disappeared out of the bedroom.
“Clark, if you hurry, I might share,” she stated.
She is adorable!
. Yes, the nightmares were over, and Clark was alive and a reminder of how her fantasies could become reality.
The End
What a sweet Christmas treat!
-Pre-engaged/friendship Lois and Clark
-Peppermint mocha
-Clark smells Lois’ hair
Don’t want:
-Lame excuses
I did think the smelling and the peppermint might be prompts. Which could also throw guessing based on those off…
For now I’ll stick with
CarrieRene, because the prompts might be Blind Passenger and the style matched CarrieRene best.