Hi JadedEvie!
Thanks for getting the quizzes rolling again!
1. A next gen fic. Just…which one…
Summary says it’s
Save A Slice of Pie For Me by SuperBek
2. Gulp. That quote. It’s been too long since we had a fun tattoo story. Was it Sue or Lara that had Clark fantasizing about Lois having “boy toy” stamped on her lower back?
3. Sounds vaguely familiar.
4. Beautiful scene. But doesn’t ring any bells

5. First POV… It sounds like familiar but not enough to narrow it down.
No clue without a full search
6. Hmm…another first POV. Hmm… Also, beautiful scene you picked! Back to guessing… let’s see…
New Year’s. Do we have fic for that?
New Year's Season 5 by CarrieRene
7. This reminds me of that wedding interruptus by Bakasi, but no, that was last year. Hmm…ah…
The ellipses are BlueOwl’s style. Thank you, GTA. So, which one because I’m lagging behind. /reads summaries/ Anchored?
Well…I got a few. That counts for something, right?
Anna B. the Greek : Ficathon: The Truth About Santa (for BlindPassenger)
Bakasi : MagiKal
CarrieRene : Pivot
SuperBek : Two Weeks
KSaraSara : Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight
