Hi Sara!
Thank you to Bek for Bring and encouraging me…by that, I mean, kicking me in the pants until I finally wrote something.
![[Linked Image]](https://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g025.gif)
Hope for me, because I’d have the Daily Planet back again. I’d have my job back, my partner, my—
There there…
Somehow. Somehow, I still have him.
Just…as a partner. As a friend. Forever. Just like I wanted, he said.
Awww… also, be careful what you wish for.
The words echo in my mind, reverberating and playing over and over again, torturing me as I try to figure out where the heck I went wrong.
See that crossing two blocks back? You should have turned left instead of going straight ahead.
I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in all my life.
I want those words back.
Did I already say ‘awwww’?
I want those back too. I want them to be as true and as scary as they sounded at the time. Because maybe now they’re not as scary.
Or, at least, not having them is far scarier. Colder. Lonelier.
Poor dear. I mean, yeah, she screwed the pooch, but still, poor dear.
Would it be so wrong for me to believe his words today were the lie? That surely no one could lie so well?
The lie only works if you want to believe it.
I let my eyes wander around my apartment, and I have this feeling like something is missing. But I know everything is here.
Her heart?
My ability to see beyond the veil of secrecy and expose the naked truth.
So, to summarize, she’d like to surprise Clark fresh out of the shower, remove that terrycloth veil he got tied around his hips and expose his naked truth?
I stare at my computer across the room and wonder if I should work on my novel, but then a little voice in my head reminds me I obviously don’t know the first thing about romance, that I have no business writing about it.
She could write about “Vicki and Bruce, The New Adventures of Batman”.
He hasn’t since… It’s been a while since he’s come over.
Because we’re friends. Just friends.
There, there.
He’s giving me movie choices that I can’t quite hear, but I’m sure one of them is bound to be Lethal Weapon.
Yes, but which one?
LOIS: The one with Mel Gibson’s naked backside.
I have no idea which movie I want to watch. I really only care that Clark is here and that I’ll get to sit next to him on the couch, like old times.
him challenging me mentally, professionally, and me rising to meet him, always his equal even though I’d always liked to claim otherwise.
She’s cute!
There’s no way of avoiding getting to know a person intimately that way. Friends. Partners.
So, she’d like to have a friend whom she knows intimately and who will remain her partner forever?
Even though it’s too late, I know now. And it is, isn’t it? It’s too late. Right?
Well, he didn’t show up with the blonde, yet, so there’s hope.
“Have you made your choice, Lois?” His voice is soft and gentle, and he sounds a bit worried.
“What?” I ask, blinking and letting the room around me come back into focus.
You’re having way too much fun there!
“Your choice…” he repeats, holding up the movies, one in either hand. “Lethal Weapon or The Princess Bride. Personally, I’m voting for Pri—”
“You! I chose you!” I blurt out and then clap my hand over my mouth.

Things you get for not properly socializing Lois these past few weeks. She’s forgotten how to talk to people.
He still isn’t talking, but his face seems to be saying so much. I can’t be sure of what it means, but I can guess. I can guess and I can hope.
It would be so embarrassing if he had to return his cheese of the month to the pet rental place right now.
. I watch him reach down to take my hands in his—they’re warm, and trembling slightly—and he raises them to his lips, brushing a few gentle kisses against my knuckles.
I’m tempted to get lost there, in the deep pools that seem to hold only love and tenderness for me, and a healthy edge of desire.
Well, the story qualifies as WAFF.
I’m tempted to get lost there, in the deep pools that seem to hold only love and tenderness for me, and a healthy edge of desire.

“What now?”
“You pick a movie?”

His thumb grazes softly against my cheek. “Can I choose you?”
The End
Very sweet ficlet

And the story part was even longer than the A/N
