Hi Barbara!
Hope you like this bit of silliness.
It’s an Inside Out!
Inside An Irresponsible Mind
Which one’s that?
One of the thugs who dragged a struggling Perry toward their van pushed Lois out of his way.
/scrunches forehead/ oh, that one. That should be fun!
“What’s going on here?” Fear whispered. “This is the second time we can’t get to the console. The only one unaffected is Joy.”
That’s quite an interesting development

All boobs and legs and no personality!”
“You sound like Lois,” Sadness remarked.
Cute one!
“Joy!” Sadness shouted at the top of his voice. “Did you notice? Lois is talking to us!!!”
“I don’t believe it!” Fear squealed. “Usually, he’s so keen on talking to her. But now?”
Red K certainly got the most interesting effect on him!
. She’s not even our type.”
Blonde. Shaped like a coke bottle.
“Unfortunately, she totally is.” Sadness sighed. “On a very primal level that I’d really rather not get into. Must I remind you of Toni Taylor? Lana? Mayson?

“Oh, and Lois isn’t?” Anger cocked a brow and raised his fist to his mouth, coughing, “Dance of the Seven Veils.”
Yes but that’s *good* trouble to get into!
“Yeah, next thing we know you throw her over your shoulder and carry her back to your cave,”
According to Wendy, he only does that with Lois.
“I didn’t suffer through a whole night of Lois throwing herself at Clark, so we can waste our first time on a babe like that.”

“Lois is never going to forgive Clark,” Fear muttered.
Sadness sighed. “At least it’s Superman behaving like a moron.”
Wonder what would happen if Lois went and complained to Clark?
Disgust set his jaw. “Well then, when this is over, remind me to write a security program that will keep Clark from flirting with blondes. I swear, one day they’re going to be the death of him.”
That security program is called Dating Lois. She’d ensure there is no flirting going to happen. Might not prevent death, but flirting would be averted.
“You could have him tell Lois his secret as soon as he snaps out of it.” Anger suggested. “She’s going to emasculate him. Problem solved.”

“Yuck,” Disgust groaned. “Anyone know of a superpower that would rid us of this memory?”
He could kiss himself?
Disgust laughed. “Let’s hope both. You know what really sucks about being Clark’s emotions? No drunken stupor mode.”

Fear shrugged. “Sure. I’ll bet Kryptonian girls were trouble, too.”
Another happy fun entry in this universe
