Hi Mary!
A/N: Many thanks to KSaraSara for beta-ing this!
Just a heads up, this is a little angsty.
Between Mary and Sara, how angsty can it get?
LOIS: Clark has not touched my back for fifteen minutes.
CLARK: It’s so loud in the newsroom, I couldn’t track Lois’s heartbeat when she wasn’t in the room.
LOIS: What are you talking about? I was only gone fifteen minutes when I had to powder my nose after lunch.
He was floating. The stars shone above him, cold and vaguely unsettling. For a split second, he was sure he couldn’t breathe.
Nightfall? Or did Clark finally take Lex on that space walk and it’s from Lex’s POV .
He focused on it, becoming more aware of shouts and sirens and the crackling roar of flames. An entire street of houses glowed orange in the darkness.
Oh no, Lois tried to heat dinner!
His glasses…he needed to take his glasses off for this.
Eep, that’s another story from the broken-brain-verse!
No. Something was missing. He should probably leave the shirt on for now, but the jacket and glasses could certainly go, along with the tie.
The suit! But what will people say when a naked man stumbles through the burning buildings?
blur of red materialized beside him, coalescing into a costumed figure. “You shouldn’t be here,” the man scolded. He recognized the voice, but for now, couldn’t place it.

I did get dream-vibes earlier. Apparently, I was right.
She grunted a little under the weight, but still held it high enough that he was able to duck under it after the man in red.
You do freaky ambiguity really well.
The radio in his ear crackled. “Can you see the target?”
“I can’t see a thing,” he replied.
His friend let out a short laugh, now right behind him. “Neither can I.”
“How close do you think you are?” The voice in the earpiece was fainter, but still audible.
The first one was strange, the second earpiece confirms the dream. It’s great how you slowly add more and more stuff to both parts of the jumble. It started with slightly uncomfortable space and a distant fire and gets more and more immediate.
ignoring the smoke that flooded into his lungs alongside the oxygen, and pressed onwards.
There was danger up ahead.

“I don’t know!” He gasped, lost in a sea of stars, aware that his next breath would never come. “But it isn’t an asteroid! It isn’t an asteroid!”
Huh, what?
He was lying on rough asphalt, turned onto his side, his head resting on the back of one hand.
“Can you hear me?” the voice from the radio asked.
The side of a police car swam into his vision, but now he squeezed his eyes shut. “You’re not real.”
“Yes, I am,” said the voice.
Oh boy.
The confusion outside fanned his lingering sense of dread. “Lois… Is Lois okay?
There’s a lot of confusion and guesswork for the reader.
CLARK: The reader? Are you serious?
A man in a black costume knelt beside him, the only other occupant of the ring as far as he could tell. “Can you get up?”
The man…Bruce?...nodded.
Eep, I’ll blame being tired for missing Batman. I read this as black police uniform, like riot gear.
“She’s fine. *I*, however, will be in serious danger if she makes good on her threat to swim over here and tear me limb from limb.”

Only, why not drive?
LOIS: they blacklisted my Jeep. Apparently, Gotham can deal with the Joker’s carnival troupe tearing up the streets, but one Metropolitan driver and they call the National Guard.
Bruce’s hand came to rest on his shoulder. “You saved lives. As for the aftermath…we’ll deal with it together. You’re not alone.”
The stars slowly faded at the sound of his friend’s voice.
He closed his eyes.
He breathed.
You did not clear up a thing. Is this right after Nightfall? Did we get the crash landing in the first story or a later episode of fugue?
The usual laureations apply
