Way back when… (three weeks ago), Queen of the Capes posted
The Gift for Ficlet Friday.
And…this is a mild spoiler…but Clark gets a dog. A Kryptonian dog. And he named him Krypto.
And then a few days later, HatMan posted this little ficlet—
Doggoneit in Discord, and we begged him to post it for the next Ficlet Friday.
And then I decided that I wanted to issue some sort of Krypto Round Robin Challenge… AKA Walk the Dog Challenge. So that is this!
Every Ficlet Friday, someone is in charge of "walking Krypto" and has to write a ficlet about a small moment in time in Krypto's life with Lois and Clark.
HERE is the
Series TOC: Walk the Dog Challenge!
Queenie came up with a list of ideas!
- Krypto meets Lois
- Krypto's first trip to Smallville
- Krypto's first walkies on Earth
- Krypto meets a cat
- Krypto's first vet
- Clark vs the No Dogs Allowed policy (his apartment or elsewhere, since we started in S3 with this)
- Superdog's debut
- Krypto gets lost
- Krypto gets a present
- Krypto learns a trick
And then I forgot to post said challenge and the poor doggo didn’t get walked last week.
Last week, Krypto was off-planet getting his vaccinations and stuff, and now he should be back tomorrow in time for his walkies.
(These may be updated as we go!)
Must be posted on Ficlet Friday (it has to be Friday somewhere in the world at the time)
Must follow continuity of previously posted stories—facts of the universe must remain consistent to the best of our ability.
The story can take place at any time in Krypto's existence—stories don't need to be in chronological order.
The person in charge of Krypto for the week will be posted here as a reply.
Anyone can volunteer to walk the dog (aka, sign up and agree to post ficlet on FF).
![[Linked Image]](https://i.postimg.cc/B6WPQvZ9/Krypto-collage.jpg)