Thanks for playing round seven of the Kerth Quizzes, everyone!
Here are the answers for the Dramatic Stories:Murder Over Metropolis by CarrieRene Hurt - Clarks Story by Kathryn84 A Matter Of Trust by bakasiInvestigate: Beckoning by BlueowlJust Another Day at the Park by Queen of the Capes IBM: Darkest Before the Dawn by JadedEvieCould'a, Would'a, Should'a by Toomi8Here are the recommendations that people made:Anchor: Part II - Kal-El by SuperBek
Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Socomama and KSaraSara
Destined by SuperBek!!
Paper Cut by Blueowl
Save A Slice of Pie For Me by SuperBek (I think this counts as more on the "serious subject matter" drama than action?? Sometimes this category is hard!)
Undercover Reporter by JadedEvie
Here are the scores everyone got on this quiz:AmandaK: 7
UltraWoman: 5
Darth Michael: 2
Bakasi: 5.5 and a gold star
KSaraSara: 5.75
Toomi: 2.75 and a gold star
Here are the overall scores so far:Bakasi: 39.5 points and 3 gold stars
AmandaK: 38 points
KSaraSara: 31.75 points and 4 gold stars
SuperBek: 25.75 points and 3 gold stars
Darth Michael: 20 points
Toomi8: 10.75 points and 4 gold stars
UltraWoman: 5
There are two active quizzes left for this Kerth Award season!

Quiz #9 will be posted shortly, and Quiz #8, New Author, has been posted, and will close Saturday at 11:59pm EST! Head over to get your answers in now!
And thanks again for playing!