Hi Amanda!
This week’s ficlet is dedicated to Darth_Michael, who has indicated several times that he would like to see those crazed teenage hormones come into play for Lois and Clark in my “Try Not to Change Anything” series. Here you go.

I was only paying homage to the Destruction of Utopia! /buckles in for fun/
Sam Lane had taken off shortly after it ended, citing a big project he needed to get back to.
I’m not sure his assistant would appreciate his calling her a ‘big project’.
Ellen had treated them to lunch at Lois’ favorite restaurant
The Chocolate Factory?
But neither occupant of the living room really cared to investigate where, exactly, it had gone. They were far too preoccupied with investigating each other.
Eep! I said it on Discord, I’ll say it now. What about Lucy!
LOIS: Relax, I remember her not coming out of her room for at least two hours.
CLARK: *gulp* Two *hours*?
Lois moaned as Clark pressed another kiss just below her earlobe. His right hand had, at some point, work its way up under her blouse and his fingers felt hot against her ribcage. His left hand was threaded into her hair, tilting her head gently to give him better access to her neck.
/carefully checks board rating/ You *are* going to stop them before he gets her pregnant, right? She said she got a paper Pulitzer, not baby Pulitzer. (there’s a fanfic joke about Lois naming her firstborn ‘Pulitzer’)
Oh, how he wanted to give in to desire and see just how far this rendezvous could go.
/hands over pre-drawn diagram/
She was so warm and inviting and he knew from past conversations that she wouldn’t tell him no.
Oh? So, now that she has realized that yes means yes, they decide to not get within touching distance again?
. In fact, he was always the one to stop things before they got too far.
Boy scout!
How far was too far anyway?
/points at board rating/
He kissed her one last time and then rested his forehead against hers. “We should stop,” he whispered, his voice still thick with passion.

This isn’t healthy for his girlfriend.
Lois pouted. He always did this – just when things were starting to really heat up, he put on the breaks. Well not this time. She reached for him again, capturing his lips, determined to make him forget whatever silly reason he had for not letting this continue.
Oh look, she’s unhappy!
Lois sat up and stared at him. He was unbelievable. “Maybe I don’t want to stop.”
Very dissatisfied, actually.
“We need to.” He still refused to look at her.
No, they don’t.
We’ve waited eight years to consummate our marriage. What are we still waiting for?”
Another eight years.
We’re not… technically married here.”
He can still visit nightly.
“That is a technicality that can be easily remedied.” Lois smiled,
Trap! Trap! Trap!
She snuggled close to him and wrapped her arms around her neck, ready for him to pick her up and fly them somewhere with no waiting period for a wedding license.

. “Come on, Fly-boy. I hear Vegas is nice this time of year.”
A bit hot perhaps. And dry. But the casino resorts are nice. They could even play some Black Jack.
How would we even explain to your parents how we got to Vegas? And besides…” He sighed heavily. “It would change too much.”
He is a jetsetter she met on the phone. He flew her to Vegas. Don’t worry, still doing journalism college.
If we haven’t destroyed the timeline yet, I don’t think getting married…” she paused to do some quick mental math and winced. “Twelve years early will make much of a difference.”


Lois bit her lip as she admired the pull of his abs peeking out from under his shirt. What were they talking about again? Oh, right. Convincing the boy scout to stop being so cautious.
You’re doing a really cute Lois!
“How? Name one difference it would make?”
Let’s hope he’s not bringing up Patrick, Paul, or Claude.
“Actually, I hadn’t completely decided on going back to Met U.”
Considering Mid-Western?
“Well, I’ve already done the Met U thing. I took all the journalism classes there. I figure I might as well see what other colleges have to offer.”
Different scandals to uncover. Although, what about Molly Flinn? And Linda King?
Lois nodded but refused to meet his eyes. “They do. But I was actually considering… Midwestern.”

No. Really?
“Lois, you can’t go to Midwestern.”
Why? Worried he won’t be able to concentrate on his classes? Also, what if she graduates in three years instead of four?
“I don’t doubt that you did. But Lois, the Daily Planet doesn’t offer internships to students from Midwestern.”
No, but she can just submit her pieces freelance and after the second Kerth, they will be forced to hire her.
Clark shook his head. “No. No. You are talking major changes here, Lois. You can’t risk turning your entire career on its head. And for what?”
A chance at the Pulitzer for uncovering the great Kansan Corn Scandal of 89.
Lois stood up, needing the upper ground on this one. “To be with you, Clark!
Sounds reasonable.
Campus? Or they could invest in some Nanoware stock.
We’d have to divide our time between work and studying
He does realize that he already knows all he learned and remembers it. Possibly even the test answers?
Lane and Kent from day one? Is that really what you want?”
He could start at the Star.
He stood and grasped her shoulders. “You are Lois Lane.” He said slowly. “You are the best investigative reporter the Daily Planet has ever seen… or will see. And you didn’t need my help to get there. You did that on your own.”
Awwwwww… he’s sweet!
“And I will always, always love you.” Clark looked deep into her eyes,

. “Are you saying I no longer take your breath away?”
Says the brunette teenager to the football jock.
“I forgot to tell my parents about my heat vision.”

So, when I used my heat vision to light the grill a few weeks ago, my dad just about had a heart attack.”
Clark shrugged. “Guess I just haven’t used it much around them.” He smiled sadly. “I’m not as close to them as I was before.
He drew in a slow breath and met her gaze steadily. “I’m saying… I think we need to consider taking a break.”
Oh boy.
“A break? As in break-up?”
Watches as the fuse burns and burns…
“Don’t do this to me again, Clark Kent. Don’t you dare break up with me because of some misconceived idea in your head of it being for my own good.”
She should be used to it by now. He does it every other year or so.
“Lois, no. I’m not. I won’t. I won’t stay away unless we both agree.”
“Well, I don’t agree, so let’s just drop it.”

Her parents, of course, had no idea that her “long-distance” boyfriend spent far more time in her room than they would ever approve of.

Not that it never went anywhere,’ a small voice in the back of her mind grumbled.
It’s what she gets for always remembering to wear clothing when he arrives.
Did she honestly think she could get married at eighteen, start her career already partnered with Clark, and still go on to have people see her as the Lois Lane and not just the other half of Kent and Lane?
Nice how you switched the names.
But she didn’t know what was more terrifying – realizing that she had lost herself or knowing that she could only find herself again if they did what Clark was suggesting.
Poor dear! And ever plotting!
She sniffled a bit and leaned back to meet his eyes. “And I will always love you.”
Great work! You took a piece of simple fluff and turned it into a deep and meaningful character study
