Thanks, everyone, for the feedback!
AmandaK, so happy that Wells' popping in at the end took the sting out of it! I don't have a sequel/development in mind for this one mostly because I can't think of anything interesting beyond Wells dropping him back in time to either get Lois/the Kents to wake him up after the fall (setting us right back into the episode) or getting Lois to help him to push the scientists into recalculating his trajectory... I'll keep it on the back-burner, but both of those options seem a little cut and dry right now. I really appreciate your kind words about the writing. Thank you!
bakasi, thank you so much! There are so many moments on the show where if just one thing goes wrong, the whole house of cards can fall down! It was interesting to play with one of them. Thanks so much for leaving feedback. It's always very much appreciated.
SuperBek, ❤️❤️❤️ - thanks for popping into the thread to comment!
90stvfangirl, Aww, thank you! That's so nice of you to say. 'Heartbreaking' is such a lovely compliment! If I think of anywhere clever for this to go, I'll add it to the WIP list. I just don't have any good ideas that don't lead straight back to the episode or that don't get resolved in under 1000 words. I've been posting a lot of shorter in between pieces, but in the background I'm putting a lot more time into much longer stories - much more my speed.
Michael, omg, I hadn't heard 'pancake Lex' yet and let me tell you it was TOO SOON.

Oooohhh… the title is a riff on All Shook Up.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Thank you for noticing!
Sounds like a weird plan. Must have been the politicians in charge.

...they really wanted to make sure it was so close he couldn't miss.
You check the relative movement of the stars.
I don't think he can anymore exactly... I actually took this sentence out and justified it back in when I titled the axis.
Thank you! I'd actually gone back in to add this line to the story after I thought this was 'done.' But it's literally the one beam of light that's also a little metaphor for Wells coming in (for me - not meant to be spotted).
Thank you!
Thank you again!!

Maybe it’s like Prometheus...

This was a great ficlet, Evie! Sad, with hope, and wonderful prose
Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.
Morgana, that is so terribly sweet of you. I'm so happy that this one moved you. And, yes, it was absolutely his worst nightmare - failing to protect so badly that there was no one else left to care for. Thank you for commenting. I really appreciate the kindness!