Perry: Judas Priest, there's been another one.
CLARK: How come when you repeat what I say it sounds so dumb?
LOIS: It’s not everywhere I go there’s bombs exploding.
LOIS: I love Clark so much. And he’s so dumb.
LOIS: I’ll admit, I can be high maintenance in the relationship area. I can be demanding, headstrong, occasionally stubborn...
Lane and Kent billboard (Lane and Kent, the team that delivers)
Perry volunteers Lois as a Bachelorette to be auctioned off. She initially tells him she’s not available. The auction is for Coates Orphanage. She later decides to join after Clark ticks her off enough.
Lois let’s Clark drive her Jeep. Clark manages to bump a car while parking. Clark parallel parks by shoving the car into the parking space (butt against side)
During a robbery, the museum curator, Veronica, has a bit of a shrill voice and Superman interrupts her under the pretense of going after the robber while wincing.
Patrick Sullivan, Lois met him when she was an exchange student in Ireland. Patrick wins Lois at the bachelor auction for 10,000 USD. Lois later jokes she hopes he hasn’t seen Indecent Proposal. He has, and he loved it.
Veronica Kipling, from the museum, makes a pass at Clark. Lois is not happy.
Jealous Lois is sniping with Clark. It’s where ‘platonic’ comes from.
Scepter and Crown of Claudius are stolen by Patrick Sullivan to get to the emeralds. They belong to an old druid mask.
Clark uses Veronica as a beard on a fake date while crowding Lois’s date with Patrick.
Patrick’s father sacrificed his wife and is now locked up in a hospital for the criminally insane.
During a bank heist while Superman takes are of business, Lois pilfers the records and takes the records card for the safe deposit box that was broken into.
Superman burns the Druid mask while Patrick is wearing it, sending Patrick and the mask into oblivion.
Clark tells Lois he never had a cold or the flu.
Clark explains that he did crazy things because he loves Lois. He’s better now.
Lois kicks Clark out because she can’t handle Clark possible again breaking her heart.
