Hi Amanda!
Reading the title, I flashed to Virginia’s Fireworks on the archive where a teenage Lois meets teenage Clark in Disney Land. Okay, back to this fic
Kerth Challenge #6: It’s Lois and Clark’s first __________ as a married couple. What would they do?
/heads over to other side of the boards/
Jenn did that over yonder.
Another one by Jenn over yonder.
Carrie Rene’s New Year’s series from last year comes to mind.
Too many to count?
They watch a movie about aliens visiting Earth?
Another tough one here. Technically, they are married at the start of this series.
That’s true. You’re in a bind now.

It’s Lois and Clark’s first __________ as a married couple.
Oooh, “first child”

or first fight! First kidnapping! First Kerth!
Red, white, and blue bunting hung from the awnings, porch rails, and window sills of every building in Smallville.
Is it the celebration of the Great Smallville Gold Heist from 1866?
“It’s… quaint.” Ellen Lane commented as she strolled down Main Street with her family.
‘It’s even quainter in the seventies than it was in the nineties,” eleven-year-old Lois thought to herself.
Ooooh, first meeting as a married couple!
Then she put on her brightest smile and ran ahead a few steps before walking backwards in front of her parents and sister.

Why am I flashing to Alia and her struggle to act like a regular child instead of a preborn?
“The quintessential American hometown and we get to be a part of their celebration!”
Oh dear, did Lois get into Ellen’s cooking sherry again?
Six-year-old Lucy just pouted. “I wanted to see where the President lives.”

We would have had to ride the subway with a hundred sweaty people all smooshed together.”
“Eew!” Lucy made a face and Lois grinned triumphantly.

“Hey, Dad? I’m not that hungry yet. Can I go look at the booths over there?”
Is she trying to find that cross dressing burger cook?
Frowning, she started to wonder if she would even recognize him when she saw him.
He will be the only twelve-year-old in a blue baby jumper and red diapers.
“Ugh! Where is he?” she muttered to herself as she spun around for another look. She spied the grill.
Does he know she’s coming? Also, she found the cross dresser!
Lois bit her lip, wondering where she could place herself to lurk until his son showed up.
At the grill, drooling like a normal kid.
Awww, she’s not thinking of mothering him, is she?
The adult part of her brain wanted to coo over him like she might have over his old photo albums.

But the child in her was blushing furiously in embarrassment over thinking a boy was cute.

There was something… familiar about her. He couldn’t quite place it though. Something about her eyes… he knew those eyes…
Maybe he’d recognize her sooner if she was trapped in a tree or something?
He felt his mouth drop open and vaguely wondered if his own eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “Lois?!”
No, Lana. Of course it’s Lois.
“A fake brochure and a lot of playing up the charms of small-town living.”

“Can’t I stay with the Kents? Just until after the show. Then I’ll come straight back.”
But… but… but what if she gets snatched?
. “Won’t we get in trouble for breaking and entering?”
Oh no, how did Lex already pull a frog and switch?
“You know, Clark – this is the first holiday we’ve been able to spend together since we got married.”
This is so weird!
Nothing. It’s fine. It’s just… it’s kind of weird to think about being married when I’m twelve.”
See? Then again, only three or four hundred years earlier, it would have been a completely normal age to get married.
“That is, we never got to go on our honeymoon, so we didn’t… you know…”
Try out the merchandise?
Except that was when he was a grown-up and now, he was twelve and somehow that made a huge difference.
Yeah, they’re cutely awkward.
“I love you and, as far as I’m concerned, you are – and will always be – my wife.”
Awww… just like in Dune, the concubine is called ‘wife’ by all those to whom it matters.
“Yeah, but she’d still make sure my dad sat me down to give me the talk.”
JONATHAN: Now, Son, remember that while Zara has been your wife since birth…
Lois giggled. “Just a bit. But you are from Smallville. I figure some of that corn got into your brain.”

“Clark.” Lois beamed at him. “Today was perfect.”
Beautiful little gem!
