Hi Shallowford!
This is the one Lois & Clark story that I know has to be out there but I’ve never seen it.
/makes intrigued face/
Things were going well. Finally. Despite painful beginnings, his relationship with Lois had progressed to THAT point.
/hums “bow chica wow wow” or however it is spelled/
They were both riding high after their front-page story of malfeasance and embezzlement in the Metropolis Water and Sewer department.
Who would embezzle sewage?

After a wonderful dinner out, Clark directed their walk to Centennial Park.
Clark! Not for the first time!
“If the earth opened up at my feet, I wouldn’t move till I’d finished saying this,” he said, taking her hand with both of his.
There was a cracking sound and the sidewalk collapsed beneath him into the storm drain below.

Lois looked down into the ten foot deep hole. Then she looked at Clark—hanging over nothing.
The earth had opened at his feet. He hadn’t moved.
This was a really unexpected punchline!
