Hi Barbara!
So great to see another dog and pony show!
LOIS: Linda’s going to show up, too?
“No, I’m afraid, you can’t come with me.” Clark scratched Houdini’s ear sympathetically, before he focused back on the mirror and straightened his tie.
Don’t think it’s the wedding. And they’re already dating. Maybe restaurant with a proposal? Let’s hope they won’t repeat American Pie 3.
And yet, Clark was also looking forward to showing Lois his favorite restaurant in Paris.
Ah, Paris, city of lights. City of romance. City where Claude moved to after he left Metropolis.
His gaze drifted toward the little box with the engagement ring that was sitting on his nightstand.
Sorry about guessing it!
To propose or not to propose – that was the question.
What’s the worst that could happen?
A moment later Houdini appeared in the doorway, tail wagging and carrying – a leash?
Clark blinked.

Houdini put down the usually offending item before Clark’s feet and looked at him with puppy dog eyes, tail still wagging. He gave a hopeful bark.
Lois better watch out. Otherwise she might stop investigating on her own soon.
Gosh, this really means a lot to you, huh?
Poor dear understands the box, doesn’t he?
The dog stopped wagging his tail, his ears drooping. Then Houdini lay down, giving one last, heart-wrenching wail and lowered his head onto his paws.
You’re really trying for another Best Original Character Kerth, aren’t you?
What if he was reading her wrong?
LOIS: Me stopping at every jewelry store window, leaving newspapers open on the wedding dress ads page, and telling Clark that our wedding night will be very special don’t suffice as cues? Does he need an engraved invitation or something?
The flight back would be pretty awkward if she told him no.
He could pack her passport and buy a one way plane ticket.
And romantic though Paris may be – it might be a bit unfair to ask her so far from home when she can’t get away on her own for some time to think.”
At least he’s not putting them over an active volcano. Those calderas can be romantic to behold.
But apparently the people still loved his magic so much that he could easily raise large sums for charity.
“See you later, pal. There’s food in your bowl and I’m sure Lois would like to say hello to you, before I walk her home after dinner.”
With the box sitting at home, does this mean Houdini will propose?
Her slender frame was a perfect fit, delicate and intoxicating. Clark didn’t want the night to be over. He wanted for this magic to last a while longer.
Yes, no talking about intimacy. Right…
She grabbed his tie and pulled him with her, all the way up to his apartment.
Ooooh, I can’t remember ever reading this before

. A dam had broken and the flood of desire washed away any lingering doubts.
No more not-talking about intimacy, huh?
. All he was aware of was Lois, how sweet she smelled, how good she tasted and how much he longed to explore every inch of her skin.
lovetvfan’s challenge was a good thing. Now sizzling transferred to the doggie verse

Before too long, Clark’s hands fumbled with the keys, somehow managing to open the door despite the massive distraction Lois provided.

guess we should be grateful he didn’t burst through the door?
But as soon as they’d reached the bottom safely, they were all over each other again.
HOUDINI: Bark. Bark Bark! (Why I wanted to get out of this place for the evening)
Then, suddenly, his legs hit something. Clark tried to stop, but Lois pushed him on. His brain foggy with desire, he lost his balance and fell. Houdini whimpered and jumped out of their way. Just in time Clark realized what was happening and caught himself before crashing to the floor.
Hey! No stepping on the dog!
“Sorry, pal, I didn’t notice you were standing there,” Clark murmured.
He wouldn’t have noticed Nightfall.
“Hey, what are you carrying between your teeth?”
The engagement box.
“What’s that?” The excitement in Lois’ voice betrayed that she had a fair idea what the box contained.
Boy would she be surprised if it didn’t contain a solitaire.
Houdini barked.
Clark blushed. “Seems like he thinks this is the right moment to ask.”
Clark’s already on his knees…
Lois laughed. “Or he’s trying to protect my virtue.”

But words still failed him.
“You know I’m going to say yes, don’t you?” she asked.

He nodded. Tears filled his eyes. He’d been hoping she would.
His voice cracked. “Lois Lane, will you marry me?”
“Yes!” she squealed
Oh, so much WAFF

She flung her arms around him, kissing him like he wasn’t sure she’d ever kissed him before. And he knew without a shadow of doubt that she was the true magic in his life.
We had this melting graemlin once…
What a wonderful viggy!
