Hi Toomi!
Clark needs a ring to pose as Lois’s husband.
There were only a handful of rings to begin with, and out of those some of them far too outlandish for consideration, and most looked too small.
He went to Rings’r’Us at the corner of Fifths and Galveston? It’s a nice little trench coat (sic) just across the way from Suicide Slum.
“Talk to the Chief,” the clerk suggested. “You can go and buy one, then expense it later.”
Oh, they have an undercover department? Like in NCIS LA?
“She has one of her own. Some of the undercover reporters have a ring of their own to carry around so they don’t have to waste time signing one out.

LOIS: /stares at ring on outstretched finger/ Mrs. Super Man. Hm… Mrs. Super Woman. Nah… Ms. Super Woman? Oh… Superwoman! /swoons/
“You can take that off now,” Lois remarked, pointing at the ring on Clark’s finger.
He laughed nervously and took it off, placing it in his pants pocket.
“Do you need to return it?”
Wouldn’t want the crew to joke about them getting hitched, would she?
“So it does come off!” Cat remarked snarkily as she breezed by. “I was beginning to think you were married to it.”
Cat! You can’t refer to Lois as an ‘it’.
“Ignore her,” Lois hissed at Clark. “She’s just jealous.”
That Lois got to have a honeymoon with Clark? Or that he got her extremely wet? How about the big explosion Clark had as he was sitting on the couch?
Their assignment, which had necessitated them both being together constantly and in the same suite for several days, hadn’t shown him anything new about her,
So, he did spy on her before that fateful honeymoon! That super naughty rascal!
Clark’s pleasant train of thought was interrupted as Jimmy bounded enthusiastically towards them.
“You finally took your ring off! You were wearing that thing everywhere!”
Okay, why are they all so excitable?
“No,” Clark answered, his mind running in many different directions. He had taken his glasses off when he slept, but had left the ring on. Had Lois seen him sleeping, but he hadn’t heard her?
Doesn’t matter. Superman’s not married, so the ring should be enough of a disguise.
He knew that he wasn’t ready to marry anyone, even Lois, since there was a challenging discussion that would have to take place long before he asked anyone to share his crazy life.
So, if Lois proposed marriage, he would decline?

LOIS: I love you. Please marry me, Superman.

Next time he wore one, he wanted it to be a real one.
Real ring. Wrong Lois.
Very adorable!
