Hi Barbara!
Happy Ficlet Friday. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the famous MagiKal. Hope you'll enjoy.
/Throws roses and Loises onto the stage/
He knew what he had in mind was going to come at a price. It was worth it, he had to remind himself. He could deal with it.
What’s he gonna do?
As far as he was concerned, this was a one time event. But the way Murray had reacted, MagiKal would have a hard time convincing him he was being serious about it.
Aaaaaahhhhhh… he might embroil himself in obligations of accepting more stage acts.
Instead of illusions he wanted to create something lasting, something the kids at the school sorely needed.
Not an ice sculpture then?
A frown creased her forehead. “I wonder what he’s up to."
And if he’d perform the trick of kissing a reporter senseless?
“Oh my gosh,” Aymee squealed happily. “Did you see this? He let a playground appear out of nothing."
Nothing Lex couldn’t also accomplish with enough workforce.
With one last wistful look at his petting team, Houdini followed Lois and Clark as they left.

He wanted to excuse himself and run, but his powers were quicker. This time it was his vision going crazy. His eyes lost their focus and rapidly switched between microscopic vision, x-ray vision and telescopic vision until Clark was lost in a strong wave of dizziness. Nausea rose in his stomach.
At first, I thought he might kind of disappear Lois’s clothing, but maybe it’s actually the other way around and he’ll cover her from head to toe.
Lois gasped. "How could this get worse?" Clark linked arms with her and let out a soft whistle, telling Houdini he was ready. "Plenty of ways, I'm afraid. Plenty of ways.”
Oh no, it’s not just nausea, it’s a full-blown super stomach bug!
It’s really mean to leave us hanging like that!
