Hi Barbara!
Oooh, welcome new beta?
Much to her relief Houdini instinctively knew what to do. As soon as Clark had linked arms with Lois, the dog took point.
Great way to fold the Eyes Have it episode in.
Lois wasn’t sure what was expected of her and for once in her life was too flustered to ask.

Once or twice his feet even left the ground, pulling her with him until Lois let out a startled yelp. Then he brought them back down, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.
His face was contorted with sheer concentration. “Houdini, are we there yet? I can’t contain this much longer.”
/Must resist juvenile jokes about *other* reasons for Clark to act this way/
He swallowed hard. “I’d understand if this is too much for you.”
With slight trepidation, Lois eyed Clark, who was hovering a good two feet above the ground,
It’s no worse than when she got tangled up in those Helium balloons her father brought home for her sixth birthday party. And they did catch up with her before she’d crossed any state lines.
“Fine.” She couldn’t help but grin. It was the adventure of her life. “As long as you won’t let go of me.”
Hey, that would be a good scare tactic with criminals!
. I don’t usually fly with my eyes closed.
He should get flight instruments and controls installed so the emergency pilot can take over.
. He whimpered and whined, his whole posture stiff like he was a huge stuffed animal.
Poor guy doesn’t like it when someone else flies the MagicKal.
She let out a breath. “How, if it’s not magic?”
Sufficiently advanced science is said to be indistinguishable from magic.
. I’m not a wizard, Lois. I’m an alien.”
Her breath caught. “You’re not from this world?”
Just like Kosh as Merlin during Babylon 5’s A Late Delivery from Avalon!
”Out of the two of us, you’re the true wizard.
/starts thinking about typical female denominators for female magic wielders. Hmmm fairy?
”It’s witch, Clark.” She winked as his expression turned puzzled.”Females are called witches.”
Yeah, according to popular television (/points at Buffy and Charmed/), there are good witches, too, not just the ones we know from Hänsel & Gretel.
He burst out laughing. “Now, that can’t be right.”
As for titles for the next part: Fairly (sic) confident? / Witching hour?
