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From Chapter 6
“Clark, do you mind if I ask you something?” Lois said into the silence.
“No,” he said, his curiosity rising.
“If you don’t want to answer, that’s OK,” she said. “Just say so.”
“Is that what you always say to people you’re questioning?”
She grinned at that. “No, of course not. Which proves I’m not questioning you.”
He conceded that with a slight nod.
“If you were one of the farm kids who wanted to try something different, what would you do?”
Clark hesitated, tossing up between the truth and making up something on the run.
“It’s OK,” she said. “You don’t have to answer. I know there are reasons why you have to be here right now.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to answer,” Clark said.
“Then what?”
“The truth is unbelievable.”
Thanks for reading!
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I’m not surprised that Jonathan died, but it’s still very sad, especially seeing what it has done to Martha and Clark. This was an emotionally powerful chapter and very well written.
Clark needed to talk about his dad and it’s good that Lois realized that and gave him that outlet. They really are good for each other. They each have some damage and it’s sweet watching them help each other and grow closer together as they do so.
I love this story and can’t wait for the next chapter! Thank you!
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I was afraid Jonathan was dead, but I was hoping against hope that he could be at the hospital. Knowing that he's dead was heartbreaking.  So sorry for Martha and Clark. I'm glad that Lois realized that Clark needed to talk about his dad and was willing to listen to him. I'm sure it was eating away at him. Clark worried so much about his mother that he forgot to take care of himself.  Seeing Lois and Clark getting closer is so sweet! Looking forward to the next chapter. Andreia
"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."
~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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A very emotionally/intense chapter. Finally, we get some answers reg. Jonathan. Sad ones, of course, but still. One wonders why Jonathan died so early on in this one - if there's a bigger backstory or just bad luck. But even if there's nothing special about it, doesn't change the situation that is. Poor Martha, feeling unable to really grieve for him because for that, she'd have to admit to herself (and everyone else) he died, which seems to be something she doesn't want to do. ...you know, you really seem to have a thing for writing people emotionally shutting up themselves in some form (Kal in Awaken my Meart, Lois (sort of) in TReasure Trove, that agent in TMTY...) And CLark, also can't really focus on his grief due to now having to basically run the farm on his own. That must be hard for hi mtoo. Though it apparently isn't the whole reason for his different carreer choice here, since he apparently already was into the farming even before his dad died, so the timeline seems to be different/there seem to be more changes going on there. W emay or ma ynot learn more about that in future chapters. Clark being instantly devasted by the thought Lois might have just left...yeah, we also have someone falling for a City Girl here, too. Also, interesting to see Martha already being..not so satisfied with the two of them being so, ah, involved. She sees the potential problems that could cause...for the both of them. Yep, Jonathan was very much into helping the small, helpless, innocent. Of course that's very personal for Clark, because that also includes small, helpless, innocent Kryptonians... And then, there's Clark's ever-existing anxiety about his powers. Of course, he has to be vague when answering Lois' question whether he can do the work alone. Cause he totally COULD do it in a few minutes/hours. But he doesn't dare to because he could be seen/exposed. One wonder sif he had one too many close calls there... Speaking of which - thinking about it, I have a theory what might be going on with Jack/what's his background. Just thought I might share for funsies. So, obviously, Lois doesn't know Jack in person yet, nor seems he to be someone whom she has a romantic kind of interest in. Thus, Most likely, he's a source of some kind - probably someone who cantacted Lois over a potential story-idea. Given Lois carreer is apparently ruined through something, that might be an opportunity for her to reubild her trust and she might have used that. So, here's my theory: Jack hired on the Kent Farm in Smallville and while working there, he witnessed some...ah...extraordinary things happening around the farm. And he contacted Lois Lane about it, maybe wanting to hell her and wantd her to come to him so he coudl try to ocnvince her/give her proof or something. So, that's my theory for now. I might be onto something - or completely in the wrong. Whateve,r I'm sure we'll find out at some point. Nick
Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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When Clark pondered Martha being "ready to move on" I was worried she might be terminally ill. I'm sorry Jonathan is gone, but I'm glad there's a road forward for Martha and Clark!
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Songbird... They really are good for each other. That is probably the crux of the story. Despite some challenges, Lois and Clark are exactly what the other needs. Hi Ultra Woman! Thanks for reading and leaving FDK. Re Clark forgetting to take care of himself - exactly, that's why he needs Lois! Nick Some really interesting thoughts here. Firstly, Jonathan died because I wanted Clark tied even closer to the farm. Clark left to go to college and also travelled a bit, so J&M can run the farm without him. But Martha can't by herself. Though it apparently isn't the whole reason for his different carreer choice here, since he apparently already was into the farming even before his dad died, so the timeline seems to be different/there seem to be more changes going on there. As a farmer, it kind of irked me how easily Clark left the farm in TNAOS. He must have been one of the kids who didn't fall in love with farming. This Clark is one of the kids who loved it. He is balanced enough to consider other options, but when the choice came, he chose to farm. Then Lois came along... I am so pleased you got the implication of Jonathan caring for small helpless critters! Your theory about Jack is brilliant! That's all I'm willing to say at this stage, other than if that's not where I'm going, you should write that story. Thanks for your FDK, Nick. Hi Amy. It's great to know you're reading. We'll get to a happy ending. Thanks for the FDK!! Corrina.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Hi Corrina! Lois came into the farm kitchen, her bag on her arm and a pizza box in her hand. Honey, I’m home! and found her way home along the unlit and unfamiliar roads, despite panicking several times that she had missed the gate to the Kent farm. Awww… poor dear! “I wasn’t sure which ones you like.” The one brought by Lois for a shared consummation of nutrients. “You don’t want to be the farmhand, do you?” he said. “You’re going straight for the farm manager position.”  Smallville Press: Farmhand harassed by city slicker manager. Manager claims that “there was hay on the floor”. “Will Martha be all right?” she asked.
“I hope so.”
“Do you know what’s wrong?”
“You do?”
“Yes, I do.” Careful now. That’s getting close to prying. “She’s mourning.”
Clark nodded. “For my father.”
“Oh no. Clark. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
“The first anniversary is next month.” He continued to stare ahead, his pizza and drink seemingly forgotten. Hey! You sneaky writer, you. Claiming she didn’t heart attack Jonathan. So what *did* you do to him? Clark laughed grimly. “About as close as two people can be. Mom lost her husband, her best friend, her confidante, and her work partner. She lost a part of herself. I don’t know how anyone is supposed to recover from that.” Oh boy. Mirroring Lois and Clark. “Would you like to talk about him?”
Clark didn’t answer for a long, stretched moment. “Yes,” he breathed.
“Then I’d like to listen.” Awwwww Lois looked at his bare forearm and wondered if he’d mind if she reached out to touch him again. She was still debating with herself when Clark started speaking. Lois is extremely adorable! “Because you didn’t look like you should be driving. Because you looked like you needed some help. And…” /points at earlier remark on taking home helpless creatures in need of nurturing/ “Hysterical women sobbing uncontrollably.”  see? She hasn’t been into the café since… well, for a long time.” Oh, no. Jonathan died of food poisoning! Maisie: I resent the insinuation! “She might say there’s too much work to do,” Lois predicted.
“Lois, there’s always too much work to do,” Clark said, sounding weary. “Sometimes, you have to put the work aside and do something that isn’t work.”  so much meta! “On the road to Smallville, there’s a sharp turn then a steep hill leading to a bridge.” You know, I first thought this was Lois speaking and was expecting Clark to answer, “no, there isn’t”  “Thanks for the warning,” she said, wondering if he was trying to tell her she was welcome to stay until the rain came next week. Hmmm… Clark: And in winter, you have to be really careful of black ice. and watched Bess twenty yards away as she sat chewing her cud.
There was no sign of labour, but that wasn’t why he was here.
His mind was full of Lois. So, he’s looking at a cow ready to have her calf, chewing food, and his mind goes to Lois. LOIS:  /puts away chocolate/ Soft, gentle, touches that had felt as if she’d taken hold of his tired and aching heart and saturated it with…
Concern? Compassion?
Maybe love. In a strictly platonic sense, of course.  Lois was a modern, city-loving, independent woman, with a successful and exciting career. Former city dweller, she comes pre-tarred-and-feathered, and is persona non-grata in any serious newsroom. The work was piling up.
His frustration was escalating.
And all he wanted to do was spend time with Lois. He could take her with him and tell people that Lois makes a fine handy woman. Once in bed, Lois’s thoughts went through the darkness to somewhere on the farm where Clark was building a fence, working by tractor light. Will she go to him? Because a day without seeing Clark had felt strangely empty. Awwwwww See you in the next part   Michael
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MichaelHey! You sneaky writer, you. Claiming she didn’t heart attack Jonathan. So what *did* you do to him? I didn't fatally heart attack him. If Jonathan had been alive, there is a lot less reason why Clark can't move to Metropolis once he has fallen in love with Lois. So, poor Jonathan had to sacrificed for the story. You're very good at highlighting salient bits of the story, Michael. Thanks for leaving feedback. Corrina.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Hi Corrina! I didn't fatally heart attack him.  So, poor Jonathan had to sacrificed for the story. He died in the name of love. You're quite the Shakespeare  You're very good at highlighting salient bits of the story, Michael. Thanks!  Michael
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I couldn't wait until I actually had more time, so I'm just binging the next chapter immediately, lol. Lois came into the farm kitchen, her bag on her arm and a pizza box in her hand. Starting strong with a classic like Lois Lane and a pizza! I love it! “You don’t want to be the farmhand, do you?” he said. “You’re going straight for the farm manager position.” It seems like he's really gotten to know her!  “Mourning?” Clark nodded. “For my father.” I guessed, but still sad. “Actually, I don’t know what she needs, but I was hoping you being here would help keep her from slipping into the blackness.” oooof, that line is like a punch to the gut! With a flash of insight, Lois suspected that Clark had been so worried about his mom, he had barely grieved for his father. Increasingly heartbreaking to leave them frozen in time like this. Which meant Clark probably didn’t get to talk about his dad either. “Tell me about him,” Lois said. Ugh, this is so important, and so well done to give her this line. After a couple of weeks, a month(?), everyone stops asking, and it becomes so hard for the griever. “No,” Clark said with a short laugh. “Mom was his life. As much as he loved the farm, he loved Mom more.” OMG, just keep breaking my heart here. "...Dad tried to help many hopeless cases. Mostly, he couldn’t save them. Occasionally, he did. Either way, they always got his best effort.” I love the depth of this version of Jonathan that you're crafting for us. It makes sense that Clark would be raised by a man like this. Lois, seemingly without any great effort or intent, had loosed his tongue and got him talking.  He could have done the whole job in five minutes. This whole section is infuriating, totally apt and totally well done. And all he wanted to do was spend time with Lois. Awwww To her future… without the man she loved.  Because a day without seeing Clark had felt strangely empty. What a great last line for this chapter!