OK, so this is a little something I wrote out of frustration over the total lack of Lara/Jonathan-interactions in the show. Set roughly at the end of Season 3. I'm...not totally satisfied with how it came out (somehow it sounded all better in my head lol) but anyway, here it is. Enjoy!


It was one of those afternoons when Jonathan Kent was sitting in his room at home on the farm and didn't really have much to do. His shift at the fire department had ended an hour ago, and Smallville wasn't exactly what you'd call a particularly exciting town. He had had to give up football for obvious reasons, and outside of that he had almost no friends to hang out with. His family was also pretty busy: his father was saving people from an earthquake somewhere in India. His mother had holed up in her office at the Gazette to try and find evidence against Lex Luthor so he could be put back in prison where he belongs. (She happily ignored the fact that she had played a role in his release.) And Jordan...I dunno. He was probably trying to get closer to Sarah Cortez again. Some people just didn't understand the term "toxic relationship," Jon thought with an internal snort. Not that he could really talk much himself - after all, his relationship with Candice was anything but a prime example of what a healthy relationship should be. Some distance and thinking had made him realize this.

So in short: Jonathan was alone, had finished his homework, and was bored. He was mindlessly scrolling through various social media accounts on his phone... when the phone in question suddenly started ringing. A number he didn't recognize appeared on the screen. Confused but curious, Jon decided to answer the call.

"Hello, Jonathan Kent?"

The voice that came from the other end of the line was probably the last one he expected to hear.

"Hello Jonathan. I'm glad to hear I was able to reach you."

It took a moment before Jon managed to place his voice.

"Oh, nice, you remember me. And yes, that's correct."

Jon stammered, not a little irritated. "You... You can, um, make a phone call? Like... on your cell phone?"

"Well, it required some modification, but of course. I'm the central program of a computer system based on technology far more advanced than anything this planet has to offer. So why shouldn't I be able to do it?"

"That's...fair, I guess," Jonathan agrees. "It's just that Dad never mentioned that the Fortress had a phone number."

Lara mimicked a noise that somehow sounded a lot like a laugh. (Krypton AI's could do that? Strange.) "I don't think Kal knows that yet. It wasn't something he initiated, to be honest. It seemed like a necessity to me, though, since apparently not all members of the Hausel El have an easy way to access this facility - and even for those who do, it can certainly provide an easier alternative."

Jon sobered up. "Yeah, great family Fortress. Why did Dad think it was such a great idea to build it somewhere in the ocean where only he and Jordan could easily get to?" he grumbled quietly to himself.

However, Lara seemed to have excellent hearing as she responded. "That is also incomprehensible to me. In general, my son doesn't seem very interested in introducing his descendants to Kryptonian culture and history, and in your case, even having access to this data. Not to mention more basic aspects such as medical ones investigation or access to an emergency location transmitter."
"A what?" Jon was confused until he understood. "Oh, yes, an ELT. That would have come in handy...a few times."

"I agree. Since you cannot reach this facility on your own and Kal doesn't seem to have the time or desire to bring you here for an extended period of time, I have decided to contact you myself. I have a few questions that I think I would and should like to ask them personally."

Jon was now somewhat intrigued. "Uh, thank you? And, uh, what do you want to know?"

"Well, first of all, I'm curious as to why you seem to reject everything Kryptonian."

Jon was shocked at this. "What makes you think I'm doing this? I mean, it's not like I'm included in any of this or like it's important to me. After all, genetically, I'm more human and all."

Now it was Lara, whose generated voice sounded confused. "I apologize if I came to the wrong conclusions. Since Kal and Jordan so rarely bring you or even mention you, I always assumed there was a disinterest on your part. Jordan himself isn't exactly interested in our technology or culture, that Most of the time he uses this facility to train his abilities generated by the yellow solar radiation. I just assumed that Kal, despite his extensive training, has become too assimilated into human society and therefore not able to adapt to your Kryptonian one "Is that incorrect and you've been kept from information against your will? And what exactly do you mean by being more human? That's not how genetics works."

"OK, well, sure, but I don't have powers and Jordan does. And that, well, that's what it's about, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Jon got a little nervous. It wasn't really something he usually liked to talk about. "We were both raised as humans. Dad was too. It's just that...if we didn't have powers, then, in theory, we'd be just as human as everyone else. In the sense that we're indistinguishable from them could, if that makes sense?"

"I'll follow. Please continue!"

"But the powers make Dad and Jordan different from humans in a way that they can't ignore. That's kind of the aspect that makes it impossible for them not to see themselves as Kryptonians in some way. And, well, I have that problem "Not really, because I don't have any powers."

"Are you implying that your father and brother reduce their Kryptonian side to their enhanced abilities?" Lara sounded…kind of annoyed at that statement?

"Um...I guess so? It's kind of what makes us strange...?"

"That's...not a definition I would subscribe to. Jonathan, are you aware that Kryptonians on our planet had no "superpowers" as we humans call them at all?"

"Yes, yes."

"There are many things that it means to be Kryptonian. We have thousands of years of history and culture, science and technology. Your father should know better!" OK, now she was clearly pissed.

"I'm sure he does," Jon tried to reassure her. "It's just...not really that important to him in everyday life? Because...it's not like he can get much use out of it, he can't talk to other people about it and stuff."

"What do you mean? As I understand it, Kal-El is a recognized public figure on your planet, regularly appearing in the media for his achievements. That should give him ample opportunities to speak about his legacy!"

Jon began to have a suspicion that he needed to confirm. "Um, yeah, but...you understand that he's not Superman most of the time, right?"

"...No? The name is, in fact, very pretentious and unnecessary, but what are you trying to imply?"

Oh man. Really Dad?!

On the other hand, why would it be important for AI? All right, he had to explain.

"Dad has...a 'secret identity', so to speak. That means when he's 'Clark Kent', people think he's a normal human. This works because he was raised by our grandparents - sorry, adoptive grandparents - when he was a baby."

"That's good. I understand why you consider them family, and that's completely legitimate."

Jon sighed in relief. "Oh good. Well, because Grandma and Grandpa found him when he was a toddler, long before he developed any powers, he has a full human identity and everything. And then at some point he decided that he wanted to use his powers to help people and to protect. But so that everyone doesn't just know who he is, he came up with Superman."

"That seems confusing to me...but I suppose it makes some sense. But how would he fool people? It's not like he's using holographic technology or anything like that to hide his identity. People have to know it."

"It's kind of funny. He wears glasses as Clark, moves a little differently, acts more relaxed and stuff."

Silence for a few seconds. Then.

"That's all? I would have rated people's intelligence higher."

Jon felt a bit offended. "Hey, to be fair here, most people don't exactly expect them to be the same person, and "Clark Kent" isn't exactly someone whose face is known outside of those who have a lot to do with him. Dad likes to say , people see what they expect. I mean, we're his kids and we didn't find out until we were fourteen and-"


Oh yeah. Maybe should have picked up that bomb.

"He has withheld your heritage, your identity, who you are and who he is for so long? That is unhealthy in so many ways..."

"Yeah, we weren't happy about it either. To be honest, I feel pretty stupid about it sometimes. I always wonder if I would have noticed if I had been more careful..."

"Oh, I'm not disappointed in you or your brother, but in your father. We'll talk about it!"

Great. Knowing Dad, he would probably blame Jon for this. Joy!

"But that brings me back to one of the original reasons for my call. Would you be interested in learning more about Krypton? You strike me as an intelligent and curious boy. Less...repellent than your brother!"

Jon swallowed. How was he supposed to explain that without being an ass? "Jordan is...it's a little complicated. He has...social issues and isn't really good at mentally focusing on things."

"Another fact Kal forgot to mention," Lara said, audibly dissatisfied. "If it's something medical, the Fortress might be able to help fix the problem, depending on what's causing it. And even if not, it gives me the opportunity to better tailor any lessons to his condition."

"Oh cool. That's probably good. He's kind of frustrated because Dad won't really let him do anything except fight holograms..."

"So I guess I'll have to talk to him about creating false expectations too..." Lara grumbled. (AI's can do that? It's exciting to see what was possible.)

This thought brought Jon back to the original topic. "But to answer your question...I don't know if and to what extent I'm interested in Krypton...but I'd like to find out. There's definitely a lot of exciting things to discover."

"That's what I'm assuming. I remember the one time you were here you were trying to find a Kryptonian solution to your mother's illness. I don't have any options for that, but perhaps you would like to explore Kryptonian applications Exploring technology. Maybe there's something useful that can be adapted for people. Kal doesn't seem really interested in that side of things." And now Lara actually sounded a little sad.

"That sounds interesting. But I don't really know how it's supposed to work. It's not like I can keep asking Dad or Jordan to fly me over..."

"We'll find solutions to this. First of all, if you would like that, can I create a mobile app version of some of the data in this facility that you can use on your phone or computer?"

Jon couldn't help but give a little excited jump in his seat. "Sounds like a great idea, if that's possible..."

"Absolutely. It will take some time to compress the data accordingly, but that's what I'm here for. And we'll discuss everything else soon. It's my declared goal to make the lives of all members of the House of El as easy and pleasant as possible in the best interests of everyone involved. That includes you."

"That...that's good to hear! And, and maybe you should call or text Dad and Jordan too so they know you have a phone number now. Oh, and Mom too."

"I will. This was a very informative conversation. I hope we will have more to do with each other in the future."

That would be nice, Jon thought. "Me too. You know, I think Grandma Martha would have liked you a lot."

"Oh, that's good to hear. Well then, see you soon, Jonathan-El"

"Bye". There was a click on the line.

Well, that was...a much more interesting afternoon than Jon could have expected. Dinner tonight would certainly have plenty to talk about too.


Aand that's it! Feel free to tell me what you think, all constructive criticism is appreciated! FDK can go right below.

Oh, and the credit for the long-form of "ELT" (since the show apparently never gave it to us) goes to HatMan, so thanks for that one.

Last edited by BlindPassenger; 05/31/24 09:27 AM.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.