I'm pretty sure Nan got plenty of FDK on the mailing list or on Zoomway's message boards if they were up already in early 2001 but since our boards only started in 2004 and the search didn't drag something up...
This is an entry for the
FDK Scavenger Hunt: June 2024Archived VignetteIn honor of Valentine's Day, and of the fact that a number of people have already asked me if I ever intend to write another Lori and Clark story, I thought I'd dash off a little vignette.
Looking back almost 25 years, yeah, oh boy, did we get a treat after this one!
He'd wanted to be home early today. Lori hadn't been feeling well for several days and had finally promised, somewhat reluctantly, to talk to the Kent family physician today.
Ooooh, does this mean what it usually means? Is Lori hungry, too?
He listened and instantly picked up her heartbeat in the bedroom and with it the soft sound of sobs.

Lori wiped her eyes. "I saw Ronnie," she said. "Clark…" She took a shaky breath. "I'm so sorry."

"Clark…" Lori inhaled softly. "I was about six weeks pregnant, but I miscarried this afternoon. There was something wrong with the baby…it couldn't…" She began to sob in earnest. "I was going to have a baby, but I lost it. Oh, Clark, I'm so sorry…"

I swear this gets me every time. I read Home, am thinking she’s gonna tell Clark that she’s pregnant and then, this happens. So sad. But Nan, you did a wonderful job

"Ronnie said that." She hiccupped. "She said it didn't mean anything was wrong with me…just that sometimes things go wrong."
You gotta love Ronnie!
She was silent, cuddling against his chest. At last, she sat up. "I think, maybe I want a baby sooner than I thought," she said, softly. "I didn't realize it until I'd lost it."
He wiped away the tears on her cheeks with the edge of his cape. "We can talk about it," he said. "Having children is a big step. Remember, once it's done there's no changing your mind."
"I know."
"And babies are a lot of work."
"I know that, too."
"And you still want one?"
She nodded.
And Lori, too.
"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. In less than a week it will be the anniversary of the day I found you. Sweetheart, do I need to tell you what a difference that day made in my life?" He took both her hands. "You changed the world for me, Lori. After I met you, it was full of hope again."
And here’s the anniversary reference required by the scavenger hunt. I was looking for their first-year anniversary but this viggy is so much earlier

"And I love you." He tilted her face up to press a kiss on her lips. "Always and forever."
Oh so sweet. Oh so cute.
And readers, if you haven’t yet, go and read the rest of Nan’s Home Series!

15 points for being the first one to report back here with a tagged fic.
10 points for leaving a long FDK post with commentary having more than 3 quotes from the fic.
due to board technicality as ruled by Mary: 5 points for posting the first FDK for a fic (Must abide by the rules above, cannot just be you yelling "FIRST!")
possible: 10 points for finding the oldest fic (final tally June 30)
hopefully not:
5 points for finding the most recent fic (post date of most recent part posted by June 30) certainly not, right? :
10 points for Most Obscure Source (Mbs and LnC Archive not eligible) Nan’s most likely not going to show up after all these years

20 points for having the author reply to your comment I wish…:
5 points for triggering new FDK posts from others on a comment thread whose last reply was older than one year. (these new posts must be also be posted by deadline for this achievement to count).