Hi Barbara!
After breaking my characters last time, let’s see if we can mend the pieces back together, one piece at a time.
/Watches as Evil Writer gets gold-colored glue for some Kintsugi/
But already the edges were melting in the unusually hot November sun.
The prickling in the back of MagiKal’s neck still hadn’t stopped. He felt his eyes burn, announcing what was coming next.

LOIS: Why is the Evil Reader doing

? I’m the one not getting nookie with Clark

MagiKal surreptitiously checked the audience. She wasn’t here. His heart clenched with sorrow, but there was also a pang of relief accompanied by a heavy dose of guilt.
Oh boy.
He felt a gentle nudge of Houdini’s snout against his chest. The setter started wagging his tail again and barked at him.
*Play with me,* he seemed to say.
/Blinks/ No, that’s just in my mind. /Rereads/ aahhhh, “Houdini and Clark” not “Clark and Lois”
She’d joined him in the backyard with an adorable, yet slightly shy smile on her face. He’d seen the silent question in her eyes, the hint of hope that his powers were still under his control .
He hadn't been able to tell her the hiccups were back.
That’s a … fun twist on the secret identity secret

. How will she react after all these weeks?”
If she read ahead, with a kryptonite-studded mace.
“Are you two going to sit there forever?” a familiar voice asked.
Startled, Clark looked up. Lois was standing a few feet from him, hands akimbo and tapping her foot.

but then I figured we’d have a better chance of talking when I’d go looking for the alley you’d return to.”
He stared at her incredulously. “That’s how you found me?”
She gave him a sly smile. “You’re not very creative when it comes to choosing your hiding spots.”
She could also chip Houdini with a GPS tracker.
Clark couldn’t help but laugh. “Now you’re suggesting we investigate the weather? Who are you and what happened to Lois Lane?”
“She’s in love with a magician.” Playfully, she slapped his arm. “That means everything is possible!”
She’s cute! Or hoping he can make clothes disappear

He seemed to know that they were on a new mission, though Clark couldn’t help but think that investigating the heat wave was just a ploy to lure him out of his snail shell. Well, perhaps some luring was just what he needed.

Till next Friday!
