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As they cleared away the kitchen, Lois felt tiredness creep upon her. It was such a satisfying tiredness – not borne of stress or deadlines or anxiety, but work and fresh air and good food.

And… middle of the night excursions to the barn.

“Goodnight,” Lois said, when the kitchen had been restored to order.

“Goodnight, Lois,” Clark said with a smile.

“Goodnight, honey,” Martha said. “I hope you sleep really well. You’ve been looking a bit tired.”

Lois climbed the stairs, put on her pyjamas, and set her alarm for 2:45, hoping to get to the barn before Clark.

Thanks for reading!


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I once stumbled upon a calf being born while we were visiting friends who live in a more rural area. It was amazing to watch and you described it perfectly. I absolutely love your story. Thank you so much for sharing.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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I’m enjoying this story so much that I couldn’t wait until the next chapter and started reading one of your older pieces. Glad I stumbled across your work!

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Thanks for another great chapter! I’m glad Bess safely delivered a healthy heifer. Your description of the birth made me feel like I was watching too! I like the name Daisy. I’m glad Clark didn’t regret his decision to put her in calf. I love this story and can’t wait for more!!

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Aww, and here we have a little calf. Lois beign totally fascinated was cute. And of course CLark would know the gender of the calf in advance (points at x-ray vision..)
Agreed, Daisy's a good name.
I'm somewhat surprised Martha slept through this whole tihng but I can see CLark not wanting to wake her given what's all going on with her right now.
The short dialogue reg. the affair felt a bit abrupt/out of place, but oh well. That's how conversations are, sometimes.
Oh, and we meet Lana..with kid. I assume he's not Clark's. Seems to me like they are mostly just friends and that's that. There could be more to the story or it's just small town gossip, we#ll find out.
So now Daisy is there, Lois has less excuses to wait with getting her life out of hold. That should be...interesting.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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I'm missing this story. Next part, please? grovel


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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Andreia Thanks for the nudge. The delay is a combination of factors, primarily that I realised a small part of Chapter 10 has to be right with regard to the second story. Also, life has got busy with the very good (a new granddaughter) and the bad (sick sheep).

I'll work on the fic tonight (my time) and hope to post either then or tomorrow morning.


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Corrina, congratulations on the new granddaughter! That’s very exciting! I hope the sheep get better. I can’t wait for Chapter 10! Thanks for the update.

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Congratulations of the birth of your granddaughter! I hope the entire flock of sheep were not infected.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Originally Posted by Female Hawk
Also, life has got busy with the very good (a new granddaughter) and the bad (sick sheep).

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! That's happy news! clap I hope your sheep get better.


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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While watching Bess and her baby, it occurred to Lois that she had used the calf’s imminent arrival as an excuse to put off any decisions about her own life.

Clark had said she should call Perry.

If she did, how would he respond?

If he offered her job back, would she take it?

She would. Of course, she would.

One day… one day soon, she would go back to being a reporter. She would. That was what she did.

But for now, she wasn’t missing it one bit.

It seems to me that although Lois has strong feelings for farm life and the occupants of a particular Kansas farm, her life (and profession) are still in Metropolis. With less than ten parts to go it shall be interesting to see how this all wraps up. Will Lois leave Metropolis and move to Smallville? dizzy


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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bakasi Thanks for your regular feedback. I'm glad the birth of the calf worked well.

Hi ArcadeDreams Thanks for your interest in my stories. I hope you find something you enjoy.

Songbird As is probably obvious, Bess is based on my cow, Mirren. When I started writing this story (April 2023), Mirren was 12.5 years old and had delivered a stillborn heifer calf 5 months earlier. She was aging, and I didn't have a replacement for her. The decision about whether to breed her again was weighing heavily and it leaked into my story. Like Clark, I did decide to try again. Mirren delivered a heifer calf in March, and both came through the birth safely. Mirren's almost 14 now. Do I try for another calf/lactation? I don't know.

Thanks for your comments, Songbird.

Nick Regarding Martha not being at the birth... from a story point of view, it was a great opportunity to build more closeness into the Lois/Clark relationship. However, I think it's realistic that Martha wouldn't be there. She has her own work, and being beef farmers, there would be many calves born each year. Also, Clark has all the skills/strength so she wouldn't be needed even if the calf had to be pulled.

Songbird, Morgana, Andreia Thanks for the good wishes re my granddaughter, who is going really well. The sheep are struggling, and we've had a few losses. It's been an extremely dry year with minimal pasture growth. But Spring is only a few weeks away, when things should improve.

Morgana That's the crux of this fic - two people, two different lives, two locations, no easy or obvious answer if they are to be together.

Thanks for the feedback!


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Hi Corrina!

The second was Claude, smooth talker, corrupt liar, criminal.
LOIS: Have you seen his writing? Also, he stole my virtue!

“How long until the baby is born? Will it be here by morning?”

He chuckled softly. “It should be here well inside an hour,” he said. “If not, we will have hit some problems.”
See? Being a cow isn’t all bad.

“I have never seen anything getting born,” Lois admitted. “I don’t know what to expect. Will there be a lot of blood?”

“Not too much.”
You’ve never seen a Xenomorph getting born, have you?

He swept his other hand over hers for a fraction of a second. His hand was warm. And soft. And made her skin tingle a little. Lois left her hand on his for another moment, then removed it as the tingles crept slowly up her arm. She stared at Bess, not wanting to meet Clark’s eyes.
Yes, they’re juuuust friends.

Clark’s attention switched from Bess to Lois, holding out his hand towards her. “Birth is a miracle,” he said. “You shouldn’t miss it.”
Lois is so gonna make Clark regret his words during their child’s birth.

“Clark!” Lois said, grabbing his hand. “Do something! That baby is not coming out. It’s too big.”

“Bess will stretch,” Clark said, giving Lois a calming smile. “Everything is fine.”
LOIS: /sees baby in stroller/ awwww /notices head and takes out measuring band/ huh /considers/ Everything is *not* going to be *fine*!

Clark looked up, smiling. “Yep, she’s OK.”
You’re evil!

“You did so well, Bess,” Lois whispered. “That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen.”
She *is* cute!

“No,” Clark said as he injected Bess with the cal-mag. “She will do that a few times before she gets the hang of standing.”
It’s like it was for Lois. She also got caught a couple of times when she was breaking and entering the offices of various corporate types and politicians before she learned to do it after midnight instead of at five in the afternoon.

Lois swiped at his chest. “You are not calling that beautiful baby ‘Snapdragon’.”

“I’ll stay here and get frustrated,” Lois said, laughing.
You’re doing such an adorable city girl Lois clap

Clark prepared some feed for Bess, just as he’d done many times before. He didn’t have to think about it, which was good because his mind was completely consumed with the feeling of Lois’s arms around his neck. He’d had no warning. Suddenly, she was right there.
clap And here you oh so skillfully stealthy slipped this in, surprising us like Lois did with Clark!

Her hair was a little mussed, her sweater was bulky from the pyjamas under it, and she wore no makeup.

She was utterly stunning.

Then, she turned to him, her face alight with excitement. “She did it!”
Awwww… and awwwwww…

“You have done so much to help,” she said. “You gave me somewhere to recover and find new perspective, you accepted me into your lives, you never demanded answers.” She drew away and looked at him. “No one could have done more to help.”

She slipped into her bedroom and closed the door, leaving Clark wondering how it would have felt if she dropped a goodnight kiss on his mouth.
Well… there’s a lot of treatises on the subject matter.

“Daisy,” Lois said. “I like that. It’s the perfect name for such a cute baby cow… ah, calf.”
/points at grown up cow/

He looked happy this morning. Happy. Relieved. Relaxed.

Maybe it was the calf’s safe arrival.

Maybe it was milking Bess.

Maybe it was Martha’s progress.

But whatever the cause, it meant he was smiling a lot.
Poor Lois. Totally off her game.

While watching Bess and her baby, it occurred to Lois that she had used the calf’s imminent arrival as an excuse to put off any decisions about her own life.
Kind of.

Clark had said she should call Perry.

If she did, how would he respond?

If he offered her job back, would she take it?
Awww… looks like it really was her career equivalent to the first date door slam.

One day… one day soon, she would go back to being a reporter. She would. That was what she did.

But for now, she wasn’t missing it one bit.
She could write a story about the new baby for the Smallville Press!

“I’m here,” Clark said from near the barn. He jogged over to the guests and high-fived the boy. “Hi, Buddy,” he said to the boy. “Hi, Lana.”

Lana? This was Lana?
You know, one might believe that this is Lana and *their* son.

“Nice to meet you, too,” Lois said, her curiosity bubbling close to boiling point. Who was this woman and what did she mean to Clark? She swept a quick glance to Lana’s left hand and noted the lack of a wedding ring.
Sounds like someone’s in reporting withdrawal. Also, points at unwed mother which probably made her the small town pariah.

He had kissed her on the cheek, which was more than he’d done to Lois.

What had made the locals think Clark and Lana were going to get married?
Lois’s imagination.

Was it simply because both were single? Was it because Clark was single, very easy on the eyes, and had a fantastic body, and the local gossip mill had been pairing him with a new female every couple of months for the past ten years?
And why is that wedding planner trying to get a sit-down with Lois?

for the past ten years
Okay, 28. Clark’s probably 28 which means this is Season Two timeframe.

A/N – the timing for the birth and the calf standing and feeding has been sped up for the sake of the story. Usually, it would take about twice as long.

See you next part!

wave Michael

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The first was a woman, Toni Taylor, now serving time thanks to Lois’s investigation. The second was Claude, smooth talker, corrupt liar, criminal. The third…
I love a good Toni Taylor reference!

“Lex Luthor,” she murmured.
“Lois?” She felt a light touch on her shoulder. “Bess is calving. Do you want to come?”
The difference between the world she came from and where she's living now is an incredible one. Such a chasm!

“Are you worried?”
He hesitated for a long moment.
It's sweet how much he cares about her.

Lois left her hand on his for another moment, then removed it as the tingles crept slowly up her arm. She stared at Bess, not wanting to meet Clark’s eyes.
This is put together so softly - the progression is really lovely.

It wasn't moving.
Oh, no! Clark was so busy worrying about Bess paying for his choice, I didn't have time to think about the calf paying for it. Really nicely done here!

Clark went into his storeroom, put his hands on the bench, and hung his head with relief.
Aw, poor Clark.

Lois looked at him for a long moment, her mouth curved to the hint of a smile. “I hope all your animals get this sort of treatment when they have babies.”
“Only Bess,” he said, trying to control his grin. “Oh, and a couple of favourite ewes.”
“You’re a softie, Farm Boy,” she said.
This is an adorable interaction. I love that she knows him well enough already to be able to tell he's favoring Bess.

Lois swiped at his chest. “You are not calling that beautiful baby ‘Snapdragon’.”

Yes, she was. And tired, too. “You should get back to bed,” Clark said.
Such a cute spin on perspective here.

“Mom loved your idea about using a flower name for the calf.”
Love that Lois is getting Martha more involved again.

If he offered her job back, would she take it?
She would. Of course, she would.
...of course. Curious to see how her mind takes this same question in a few more days.

“Lois, this is Lana and her son, Levi. Lana, Levi, this is Lois.”
Say that three times fast, lol. I know it wasn't meant to be comedic, but adding another L name here is such fun.

Her mind whirled with the snatches of conversation she’d heard in the café. The other customers had been sure there was to be an announcement. A wedding announcement. But Lois wasn’t convinced. Neither Clark nor Lana had appeared to have anything other than friendship.
He had kissed her on the cheek, which was more than he’d done to Lois. But if they were close to announcing their engagement, wouldn’t it have been a kiss to her lips?
And why did Lana need the excuse of the calf to visit Clark?
What had made the locals think Clark and Lana were going to get married?
This whole thing has to be like catnip to a reporter who doesn't have a story. The way this is structured really gives us the impression that her mind is zinging!

I feel like the Lana mystery really leaves us on a cliffhanger!

Can't wait to see what's next!

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