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I messed up the preview for Chapter 7 and gave you a bit from Chapter 8. Here's a bit more...

Who was Lana? The fragments of conversation she’d heard in the café… had they been talking about this Clark?

Because, in the six days she’d known Clark, he’d given not one indication that he was interested in any particular woman. No mention of her name. No phone calls. No visits. And when Lois had asked Martha if Bess were Clark’s wife, Martha hadn’t said Clark had a girlfriend.

She hadn’t said Clark didn’t have a girlfriend either.

Maybe Lana was away.

But they could still call each other.

Had he spent any time thinking about her, Lois? He must have questions about why she’d been upset, why she’d been looking for Jack Mackenzie, and what had led her to rural Kansas. He must wonder, but he’d demanded nothing from her. No explanations, no answers.

Less than a week after deciding she would never again trust another man, Lois was close to trusting Clark Kent.

Not with her heart, obviously.

But perhaps there was no need for secrecy.

Thanks for reading!


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I am really enjoying this story. This chapter is my favorite so far though. Lois is so at ease at the farm now and Martha and Clark are so at ease with her. She isn't balking at the normal farm stuff, well except maybe the castration...

I had forgotten how well and easily you fill out the story details, you fill out the storyline without making it tedious. The mark of a great writer.

Thanks for coming back.


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I was nervous the entire time that something would happen that would force Clark to reveal his big secret. I can't wait to find out how this continues. Such a great story. And I'm already looking forward to learning more about Lana and Clark.

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Thank you for another great chapter! This story is so good and I love it! Lois is getting the hang of farm life and fits in nicely. Lois and Clark are slowly falling in love and it’s sweet to see. I can’t wait for the next chapter!!!

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Thanks to Mike M, Bakasi, and Songbird for the feedback. I felt this chapter was a little bit 'more of the same' - necessary, but not big on story progression. Thanks for appreciating the slow build.

I will tell you that one of the big questions gets answered in Chapter 8.


Edited to add - also glad the medical details were not too much. I thought about giving a warning, but the farm kids across the road deal with these details from the time they're very young, so left it out. I'm trying to show the realities of farm life, and these things happen and need to be dealt with.

Last edited by Female Hawk; 06/10/24 07:22 PM.
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More of a calm chapter that does some deepening in the farm-life and character work.
Yeah, LnC have it for each otheer. Got that. :-) Also, Martha notices, too. She seems to be quite...conflicted about it.
I kind of expected somethng to happen with the ATV or the oxes the entire time that would have Clark use one of his powers. Ultimately he didn't need to...which makes sense though. Sometimes we worry about this and that and in the end nothing dramatic happens, and the fear is the worst enemy.
Speaking of which, Martha has a lot of it. Probably always did, but since Jonathan's gone, it seems to have gotten a lot worse, to the point where she's basically over-paranoid about it. Like, even *if* fellow farmers notice little things, no one would jump to the "Clark is an alien with superpowers" conclusion... but then fears are rarely logical.
I'm sure having x-ray vision and super strength helps to ballance out the lack of veteranian qualifications.
And of course Lois would be a little speed-demon LOL

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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Edited to add - also glad the medical details were not too much. I thought about giving a warning, but the farm kids across the road deal with these details from the time they're very young, so left it out. I'm trying to show the realities of farm life, and these things happen and need to be dealt with.

You have described a pleasant morning on the farm with gentle clarity. I really enjoyed reading about leaving the lemonade in the stream to cool. Oh! That brought back many sweet memories. Hmmm, what are Lois and Clark having for lunch? Corrina, so much of this has been taken from experience and we are the richer for it.

My husband was raised on a farm and we used to spend days like this when we were courting. Animals get injured in many ways, if the farmer called the local Vet for every scrap or wound nothing would ever get done. Usually for my in-laws that happened only when there was a difficult calving. Farmers, as you are no doubt aware learn to do as much as possible without outside help.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Sometimes we worry about this and that and in the end nothing dramatic happens, and the fear is the worst enemy.

Very true, and not just in fiction.

Like, even *if* fellow farmers notice little things, no one would jump to the "Clark is an alien with superpowers" conclusion... but then fears are rarely logical.

There is no 'if' they notice. They do, at least Australian farmers do. It is actually impossible to drive past a paddock and not notice the state of the pasture, the condition of the livestock, the fences, the crop, the tractors etc. We like to know what everyone is doing, when, how, and whether it works! However, your point about whether noticing would lead to a conclusion about aliens and superpowers is valid.

The farmers I know do as much of their own vet work as possible, even without superpowers. Farms are often a distance from the vets, so there is the time factor, plus the cost factor.

Thanks for your regular and well thought out feedback.

Morgana Thanks for your comments, Morgana. Yes, animals can be very creative in getting into trouble. I'm glad the fic has brought back memories for you.


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Hack from Nowheresville
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Great chapter. Love the scenes with Lois and Clark together. i laughed at the bit at the end. My mom has a small farm and has raised steers in the past. And yeah, that part is fairly easy for the farmer to do and not even the "ew"est part of farm life. I'd rather help castrate a young bull than have to slog through a muddy pig pen in the rainy season.

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Originally Posted by AmandaK
I'd rather help castrate a young bull than have to slog through a muddy pig pen in the rainy season.

Depends on the size and temperament of the bull! I've learned that doing it early is easier for everyone. And yes, mud is not much fun.

Thanks for reading and your feedback.

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Hi Corrina!

It was just after 7:30 when Lois awoke the next morning.
Didn’t she get up at four a.m. last night?

“Good morning,” he said, shooting her a full-throttle smile that lit up the room.
Floodlights to wake her up?

“I slept in,” Lois said. “I’m sorry.
/points at earlier remark/

LOIS: That’s the last alarm clock I buy that goes bust after just one smash against the opposite wall….

“My neighbour, Wayne Irig, called. One of our steers in the far field has an injured leg.”

“Are you calling a vet?”

“Not yet. I’m going to take a look. And while I’m there, I’ll check the cattle and the fences.”

“Is it OK if I come with you?”
Lois in the same field as some cows and bulls. Will they chase her? Will Clark have to save her?

“Is it OK if I come with you?”

“I’m counting on it.”

His quiet words and accompanying smile sent her spirits soaring. “What do you need me to do?”
They’re adorable!
CLARK: Please hold that red towel up while I check the bull’s leg.

“It’s going to be a quick breakfast,” Lois told him, “Because I want to go and check on Bess before we leave.”

Clark pointed a knife at her, grinning widely. “Better watch out, Lois. You’re turning into a farmer.”
shock and also I did notice he didn’t say “farmer’s wife”.
LOIS: I noticed too…

“I figure you’ve already checked Bess this morning?” she said.

“Uh huh.”
Spock: Fascinating.

“What did Martha mean when she asked if we would go in the truck?” Lois asked. “What is the other option?”

“There isn’t one really,” Clark said.
Airborne. But the helicopter always causes the milk to sour before cows are milked.

“Then why ask?”

Clark turned to her. “You’re good, Lane,” he said.

She grinned. “Meaning?”

“Meaning Mom was making sure I didn’t intend taking the ATV.”

“Then why didn’t Martha want us to take it?”

“The truck will be more comfortable for you.”

“Would you take the ATV if I wasn’t going?”



“Because it’s quicker.”
Oh boy. Lois Lane in a four-wheel-drive vehicle on uneven ground and without traffic rules.
CLARK: I never thought I could die before…

“You’ll have to hang on to me. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
So, hanging on to Clark whole he’s going faaaaast?
LOIS: angel-devil

Lois smiled at him. “Remind me one day to tell you about some of the ‘uncomfortable’ situations I’ve gotten into chasing stories.”
Dangling over vat of boiling cooking oil?

But that might reveal enough to start a domino effect that would, eventually, lead to Martha losing her son.
Poor dear. I’m sure Clark would visit often even if Lois would marry him.

Martha wasn’t smiling, and there was a clear message in her eyes: Be careful!
He should check the small baggie underneath the blanket. It contains the stuff you need when you are being careful.

Because her son was in love with Lois.
Awww… also, /points at paper baggie Martha had stashed underneath the blanket/

He turned to watch her shut the gate. “Are you sure the ATV’s OK?” he asked as she walked towards him. “Not too uncomfortable?”

“How could I know with you going so slowly?” she asked.
Lois really should get one of those driving instructions videos they did in Metropolis.

“You’d like me to go a little faster?” he asked, trying to curb his grin.

She nodded, slipped in behind him, and her arms circled his waist again.
Wrooom. Wrooom!

“We’ll have to go slow, Miss Speed Queen.

A couple of the more intelligent ones had already started making for the yards.
STEER 1: snacks!

took down a bale of alfalfa hay,
Nice touch, with the specific type noted by Clark’s POV.

“OK. You need syringe, needle, thread, sewing needle, lignocaine, scissors, and antiseptic spray?” she said, counting them off on her fingers.

“I told you you’d make a great farmer,” he said.
No, okay yes, but this time she just has that stuff in her carry-on bag whenever she’s out investigating.

and was constantly surprised by her reaction to new and unfamiliar things.
Not going there…

It was easy to understand how she had become such a successful reporter. She probably went places, did things, followed people where her safely wasn’t assured.
LOIS: I always survive, still got all my fingers and toes, both eyes, teeth, and such. Oh, look, a frog!

He watched, glasses lowered, ready to shoot heat at any steer that threatened Lois’s safety.
He’s better than any electric wire fence.

“Cows are female. Bulls are male. Steers are castrated males.”
Oh that’s interesting. German, Stier (pronounced essentially the same way) is bull in English. We also got Bulle which is bull, too.

“Because it makes them calmer, less likely to fight and damage each other, less likely to go through fences, and safer for humans to work with them. And they can be in the same field with young cows – females – who are not ready to be bred.”
And now I’m wondering if Lois might suggest using steer reporters instead of bulls.
LOIS: Why? They’re already oxen, anyway.

Did the vet do it?”


“Eww,” she said, puckering up her nose.

Clark laughed. “Nothing like that today. Just a few stitches.”
Clark just has to look at them.

Another installment. Another day on the farm smile1

wave Michael

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“Good morning,” he said, shooting her a full-throttle smile that lit up the room.
What a perfectly weak-in-the-knees description!

Lois put a hand on his chest, just down from his shoulder. "There’s no point wasting time.”
I feel like this gesture is lifted perfectly from the show, to fit in this AU.

Riding on the ATV would be jerky and rough.
He would moderate that.
He's just such a gentleman! Even in his argument against this vehicle in the section above.

It affected so much of what they did.
That's quite a forfeit to living under the sword of damocles. So sad.

Because her son was in love with Lois.
Ope! Well, Martha hasn't lost this gift in her grief! So fun!

“How could I know with you going so slowly?” she asked. Then she grinned at him, flip-flopping his heart in his chest.
rotflol I love how well you're able to maintain her character in this totally different setting. It's really one of the best fish out of water stories I've read, and it really feels like she's going to stay. (Or at least has even capacity for growth that she COULD stay.)

Seeing the alfalfa, a few began to trot, and the rest followed.
I really love herd animals, lol. Most of the time. lol

Clark wondered if there was anything he could suggest that would cause her to baulk.
I really want him to test it! But this is such a steady, thoughtful interpretation of the character that I don't think he would.

He watched, glasses lowered, ready to shoot heat at any steer that threatened Lois’s safety.

I really love the way you walk us through so many aspects of this life! It also feels like it's really giving Lois a chance to test it out!

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