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Preview of Chapter 11

Clark opened his mouth and unplanned words spurted out. “Would you go out to dinner with me?”

She eyed him for a moment, then broke into a wide grin. “That’s a brilliant idea,” she said.

Thanks for reading.


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Thanks for another great chapter! It was worth the wait but I can’t believe how you ended it! I can’t wait for the next chapter and Clark’s answer.

I didn’t know that sheep and cows don’t have upper front teeth. I also didn’t know that sheep were born with tails. Fun facts!

It’s interesting that Lois is finding such happiness in farm life. If Clark is right and Lois still has her job at The Daily Planet if she wants it, I wonder if that will win out over farm life. It’s going to be fun seeing how all this plays out.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful story! I love it so much!

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It's good to know that Lois is still in Perry's good graces. And Claude is the villain in this story. Can't wait for the next part.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Aww, Clark buying all the MetStar papers so no one would find out about Lois' backgrounds (despite probably no one in Sv even caring/knowing she's there) is such a sweet thing to do.
And, go Perry! So good to see that he took Lois' researches and ran with them, proving that the was right even though she left. MAybe also as a hidden sign for her that she could come back.
So...the question is now, will CLark tell Lois? Or will she find out by herself? And when she does, what will she do? Right now, I can't see her just going "whatever" and stay on the farm forever (even if that's probably the ending that would satisfy you most lol), so we'll see.
Why do I feel like Clark's "perfect as you are" comment is double-meaning? :-)
Obviously Lois would love the ATV. SHe's a speed demon, that one.
Clark is really good at empathetic stuff and winning other over for himself - not just humans, but animals (sheep in this case) as well.
Also, I would not be surprised if he actually does know all the numbers in his head via his Krypto-memory. Not that he can tell Lois that so he has plausible deniability.
Aww, Lois tried to be sneaky. Too bad Clark has super-senses...
Oops, so Lana. Ah yeah. That should be an...interesting talk.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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Songbird Thanks for your feedback!

It’s going to be fun seeing how all this plays out.

Some will play out in this first story. Most will play out in the next (as yet unwritten) story.

bakasi Next part is ready, but I have a full day ahead. I'll try to post tonight.

Nick Some of your questions will be answered in the next part.

Interesting comment about the sheep. The Bible says (in a different context) 'My sheep know my voice' and I've found that is true in a very practical sense. My sheep will follow me if I call them - or more truthfully, the older, leader sheep will follow me and the younger ones will follow them. And some of the more intelligent ones absolutely know their own names. If we want to catch one to drench or trim hooves, we try not to say her name because that alerts her that she's the target. However, we do have about 30 sheep - it is probably a lot different with 300.

Thanks for your thoughts, Nick.


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Excited for this chapter!

The front-page story was written by Perry White, the editor, under the headline Corruption Rife in New Troy.
Uh-oh. Can't be good if Perry's actually writing the headliner stories.

The Daily Planet’s Lois Lane conducted a thorough investigation and uncovered many of the leads that ultimately led to the downfall of this syndicate. Her contribution must not be underestimated.
Awwww. What a perfect mentor.

He drove a few miles out of town and stopped, picking up one copy of The Star.
Sort of chivalrous not to read this in public.

She hadn’t wanted him to know that part. Now, he did.
Ope. He got himself into this by trying to spare her, buying all those Stars. Hard to be that angry, but all the moreso because he considers it. Really loving this chapter in his pov.

As he loaded up the bundle of wire, he accepted - again - that there could be nothing between them. It was the last thing she needed now. It was too soon.
And despite what she feared, Lois hadn’t destroyed her career or lost her job. One day – one terrible day very soon – she would return to her life.
Until then, he had to offer support and friendship.
Because that’s what Lois needed.
I really just love the sorrowful tone of this whole section, and the words you choose here. So poignant.

“Good timing,” he said with a broad smile that encompassed both women.
Aww. Something so sweet about this.

“You liked the ATV?” Clark asked, surprised.
This is sweet, but he has NO idea what he's getting into with her adventurous streak. lol

Clark laughed at that, too. “I have a couple who would enjoy that.”
“You have favourites?” Lois guessed.
“Just a few.”
I love how you're tracking through that Clark is a softee for his animals.

“I enjoy having you along,” Clark said, knowing it was barely the tip of the iceberg.
Love this phrasing!

And with that knowledge, his world crumbled too.
Omg, that really hits.

“These things are dangerous,” Clark warned. “They can tip over and trap you under them.”
I can't really ignore that he's the one in danger here, lol.

He was complex, deep, and steadfast.
It's the dream. love

One of the sheep broke from the group and came over. Clark continued scratching Petal and reached his other hand to scratch Gully.
OK, well, Gully now has my undying love. I hope we see her again!!

...knowing she would get to the page where there would be a return to Clark’s handwriting.
You do such a nice job of reinforcing how every single chore that their livelihood requires draws a little blood.

The farm was changing her.

It was. But nowhere near the level she would have expected.
I've been there. It's SO telling!

Lois climbed the stairs, put on her pyjamas, and set her alarm for 2:45, hoping she would get there before Clark.
Awwwww. ...she has no idea he doesn't sleep much, lol.

From his own bed, Clark heard Lois’s alarm. He checked the time, jumped from bed, dressed and was in the barn in less than a second.

“There’s no reason for either of us to be here.”
The irony.

When her mug was almost empty, Lois said, “Is there anything between you and Lana?”
Whoa! Cliffhanger!

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Hi Corrina!
thinking he might buy some chocolate to share with Lois.
Awwww… I don’t remember, did they already talk about chocolate?
LOIS: never mind that! love

His eye caught a copy of The Daily Planet on a pile. He went over and picked up the top one. It was dated two days earlier.
Front page: Reporter Missing!

The front-page story was written by Perry White, the editor, under the headline Corruption Rife in New Troy.
Oh? Don’t tell me he discovered Lois’s pyramid scheme and how she got ADA Drake to drop the charges.

Clark understood it was a big story, even though he didn’t recognise many of the names of the people and businesses involved.
Intergang is much smarter that Lex was. They don’t use brand recognition for their money laundering businesses.

The Daily Planet’s Lois Lane conducted a thorough investigation and uncovered many of the leads that ultimately led to the downfall of this syndicate. Her contribution must not be underestimated.

There was nothing in Perry White’s story to support Lois’s belief that she was out of favour with her editor.
Of course, that could be blustering and spinning to keep the readers from losing trust in the beleaguered news publication.

If she wanted to return to her life in Metropolis, Clark could see nothing that would stop her.
They have her picture posted in every auto repair shop in the greater New Troy area. There’s repeat customers and then there’s *repeat* customers.

Tucked into the corner were several copies of The Star – a newspaper Clark had never read. He saw the headline: Lois Lane Lover Scandal
Now there’s a headline!

Clark picked up all remaining copies and added them to The Daily Planet.

The Star seemed far more interested in reporting that Lois Lane, The Daily Planet’s premier reporter, had been compromised by her relationship with Claude Jourdain, owner of the restaurant, Laflamme, a business deeply involved in the corruption.
Now there’s an alternate universe!

If The Star were to be believed, the man Lois had trusted had also been the man she had loved.

Did he believe it?
LOIS: If he wants to be a newsman, he should know whether to trust a yellow press rag.

Clark considered for a moment. As unreliable as The Star was, it seemed unlikely that they would risk legal action stating something as fact that had no basis in truth. Suggestion and inuendo were far more their style.
Awww… he reads the Star regularly.

As their friendship had deepened, Lois had trusted Clark with details of the events that had brought her to Smallville and into his life, but she hadn’t disclosed she had been in a relationship with her source.
LOIS: Isn’t that normal? Being involved with your story?

Had he threatened their friendship? Worse, would she feel that he was just another man who couldn’t be trusted and be hurt all over again?
Then again, he brought chocolate bars.

No one was close. He dropped the papers onto the road and incinerated them with his eyes.
laugh Kind of sweet. But also a recipe for future disaster.

And despite what she feared, Lois hadn’t destroyed her career or lost her job. One day – one terrible day very soon – she would return to her life.
She might also burst into tears.

Until then, he had to offer support and friendship.

Because that’s what Lois needed.
He is a sweet man. He’s also in need of a permanent Lois.

Lois was tired and dirty as they headed for the house.
Just like when she’s investigating the seedy underbelly of Metropolis!

Lois’s tiredness dropped away. She looked down. “Should I change my clothes? I’m not very clean.”

“No, don’t,” Clark said. “You’re perfect as you are.”

She glanced up quickly, but he was already heading for the door. With a wave to Martha, Lois followed.
Oh, I get it! Lana was always unhappy when she was dirty.

“We aren’t going to ride on the ATV?” Lois asked, nodding towards where it was loaded onto the back of the truck.
Awww…and here she was hoping there was a reason why he wanted her dirty.

“Pity,” she said.

“You liked the ATV?” Clark asked, surprised.

“Yes. I did.”

Are you sure you weren’t a farmer before you became a reporter?”
Nope she’s just good at using the seat of her pants to her full advantage. That and making her wild guesses stick.

“I am a professional question asker,” she said. “It’s what I do.”
laugh she’s the apex predator of her domain. No politician is safe when she stalks her prey.

You join the dots really well.”
/Hands Lois a Rorschach test and waits for the magic to happen/

“They’ll call a bit. But then they’ll realise their job is done and it’s time for some relaxation.”
Awww… just like Lois’s mother!

Lois laughed. “I just got a picture in my head of sheep sitting on deckchairs sipping cocktails.”
/Points to previous remark/

“What about the ewes?”

“They’ll call a bit. But then they’ll realise their job is done and it’s time for some relaxation.”

Lois laughed. “I just got a picture in my head of sheep sitting on deckchairs sipping cocktails.”
I just realized, Clark’s gonna let the ‘pool boys’ in to help the ewes ‘relax’ rotflol

“I’m surprised you didn’t start calling me Road or Gate because that’s where you found me.”
laugh there’s got to be a second joke hidden in there wallbash

He needed to remember there was nothing between them. Nothing permanent.

And with that knowledge, his world crumbled too.
Poor dear!

He had done the work. She had handed him the tools. And noticed how his shirt stretched tight across the rippling muscle of his back.
That’s also important work.
LOIS: Okay, fine, I’ll give you the muscle admiration.

Lois climbed on behind and put her arms around his waist. She inched forward, snug against his body.

“Ready?” he asked.

Snuggly Lois!

“Leading them?”


Lois gestured towards the yards. “You’re going to walk over there, and they’re just going to follow you?”
Well, he *is* a well-known mutton-headed dolt.

“That is seriously gross,” Lois said, wrinkling her nose.
Indeed. Now can we agree to dress Deter in sheep’s clothing and see what happens?

“Which one is Gully?” Lois asked.

“Gully!” Clark called.

One of the sheep broke from the group and came over.

“Really?” Clark asked, seeming surprised. “They don’t look the same to me.”

“They are both white. Both sheep. Same size.”

It came, dated ten months ago. It was stark and cold and final, and the pain and loss seemed to radiate off the page.

It was so easy to imagine Clark and his father doing this – caring for the sheep together. The book seemed to cry out, with great clarity, that Clark had lost a father, a friend, and his partner in working on the farm.
Poor dear!

The people.

Did she still want to be Metropolis’s best reporter?
Subversive work by the farm boy peep

Did she still have the drive and determination and willingness to sacrifice in order to be the best?

For the first time in fifteen years, Lois Lane didn’t know the answers to those questions.

That should have been disconcerting.

It was. But nowhere near the level she would have expected.

And Lois had no clue as to how she felt about that.
Low key drama.

Twenty minutes later, as they cleared away the kitchen, Lois felt tiredness creep upon her. It was such a satisfying tiredness – not borne of stress or deadlines or anxiety, but work and fresh air and good food.

And… middle of the night excursions to the barn.
Oh, this sounds so naughty!

Lois climbed the stairs, put on her pyjamas, and set her alarm for 2:45, hoping she would get there before Clark.

From his own bed, Clark heard Lois’s alarm. He checked the time, jumped from bed, dressed and was in the barn in less than a second.
That’s cheating!

When her mug was almost empty, Lois said, “Is there anything between you and Lana?”

You know, between you telling us what you know in Aussie Rules and here in Farmboy, I’m suddenly worried about what that says about Trusting You, Trusting Me, or Lois-on-Krypton stories. Please tell us you have never been kidnapped by medieval aliens!

wave Michael

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