Hi Evie!
Gotta spread the FDK a bit! And *yay* for the sequel!
never knowing that this story may be Lois’ last.
“Any time now!” she said testily, looking up into the sky.
He was supposed to be here by now.
Oooh, this starts off fun! Reminds me of the feeling when comic-strip-Lois is in danger, unfazed.
Obviously, he was running late.
Sure, there was probably a good excuse — there was always a good excuse. A really good one, actually. A life or death one.
And it had better be one of those.
But that didn’t mean it wouldn’t be nice if he showed up right about now, Lois thought, risking a dizzying glance down.
Yep, mortal danger.
She’d cross her fingers if she had a free hand…
Excellent writing

These days, he found the rescues somehow both challenging and repetitive.
There there. Not every rescue can be Lois Lane running out of chocolate sauce or whip cream.
Rescues had once been a highlight of a regular life, when he was fully integrated with society and the people he was rescuing.
I’m sure “people” would love to be “fully integrated” with him.
he often caught himself wishing that this wasn’t his [i]whole everything. And it worried him what Lois and his parents might say to that.
Helping is what Superman did, he reinforced to himself. …As if he could ever forget.
Yes. Helping. Day in. And day out.
Now that he had no reason to keep up any pretense that he observed a regular human’s schedule, he had simply let it go.
Looks like the honeymoon is over.
Lois: I’m at the ends of my wits, Doc. Sure, I’ve heard about passion tapering out, but this is ridiculous. It’s been only a couple of months and I’m lucky if he… romances me once a week.
Dr. Friskin: and how does that make you feel?
Lois: Gahhhh-aaaaarg!
After all, he and Lois had enough trouble finding quality time together as it was.
Dr. Friskin: And why do you think that is the case?
It made him wonder, for the three-hundred-thousandth time, what would have happened if Clark Kent hadn’t died on that casino floor.
Lois would eventually have left him to be with Lex Luthor.
Sometimes he wondered if they would still be dating now if he’d been able to keep on living his life as Clark Kent. Or would they have gotten together months earlier than they had, instead of living separate lives for so long? Would Lois have been happier that way?
Eeeh. No. And nope.
Would things be this hard?
He’s a v… very patient man, so… um…
Because even though he and Lois were often together, and their relationship had definitely surged forward, it felt like they were somehow in limbo.
That’s because of all the floating he does with her during their “romance” times.
Each moment with Lois was a gift.
Lois: Funny how the author says they are a gift when said gift receiver only appreciates them for three minutes, tops.
Superman: /thinks of Japanese baseball statistics/
And neither the decrepit warehouses she dragged them to, nor the dirty alleyways he dropped them off in could exactly be considered romantic.
Not the Scooby Gang I gather?
They could live far beyond the reach of the masses he hid his identity from, far from everyone who’d known Clark, who wanted to hurt Lois, who inimically sought Superman.
And she would be safe.
And they could have a life – together.
He could build them a towering fortress in Antarctica?
Instead, he mentally calculated how much time was left before she’d be in his arms again.
Lois: Let’s. Hope. For. 30. Minutes. Or. Less.
Focusing back on the lights of the nearing Denver International Airport, the jumbo jet on his back felt lighter at the thought of seeing her.
See you in part 2. In a bit
