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From Chapter 4

The kitchen was deserted – devoid of both people and the usual aromas of a meal in preparation.

Clark concentrated his hearing. His mom’s breathing was coming from upstairs, steady and regular, indicating she was probably asleep. He was grateful for that.

There was no other breathing. No other heartbeat.

What had happened?

Had his mom been so upset that Lois had felt she had to leave?

Would she go without even telling him?

He looked through the walls to where the rental car had been parked. It was gone.

Groaning, he pulled out a chair, sat down, and buried his face in his hands.

He was exhausted. He felt as if every ounce of energy had been leeched from him.

His strange alien strength helped him physically, but it had done nothing to help him through the emotional and mental trauma of the past year.

If only he could… He fiercely squashed all thought of giving up before the idea had even properly formed. He couldn’t give up. He had to keep going, keep providing steady support, keep being there… until his mom was ready to move on.

He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, trying to decide what he should do now.

Where was Lois? Why had she –

Then, he heard it.

Thanks for reading!


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I have a sudden urge to unwind in the hay with Clark. Their conversation was so well done. I could just see them sitting in the barn and eating lunch together. Thanks so much for sharing this story.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Thanks for a wonderful chapter! I enjoyed the conversations between Lois and Clark and Martha and Lois very much. I love this story and can’t wait for more!

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Some nice L/C interactions we have here. It's clear both have feelings for the respective other. And Clark's descriptions are all very vidid, I get the iimpressoin you either speak from own experiences or are really good to fake it. Generally, the dialogues are very
2you" in the writing. Hard to explain, but I would have totally guessed its one of your fics if it were in a ficathon. Wonder how long it will take Lois to get her curiosity get the better of her and ask Clark or Martha what happened to Jonathan.
Also, something tells me Clark is more category 3 than he wants to admit (maybe even to himself). The fact it took him so long to answer also is an indicator for this.
Anyway, looking forward to the next part I'll gonna read tomorrow.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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bakasi Apparently many babies have been conceived in haystacks! Just saying (not in relation to this fic).
Songbird Thanks so much for your enthusiasm for this fic. I appreciate you taking the time to leave feedback.
Nick The farming bits are from my own experience. I have been farming for the past nine years - the major reason why I've written so little. Interesting that you would have picked me as the author. Thanks for the response.


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If it were possible to be transported to a farm in the middle of Kansas, it was done with this story. The conversations between the characters, the description of the many hours of work and of course waiting for Bess to calve has been restful. It is easy to tell the people writing has spent much time on her farm and loves it very much.

Line by line and part by part, the story is become clearer.

On to the next part.

Last edited by Morgana; 06/05/24 02:29 PM.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Morgana Thanks for the feedback, Morgana. Glad you're enjoying the ride.

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Hi Corrina!

Lois handed him an omelette inside a bun. Clark took a bite, wishing he’d had the forethought to plan topics of conversation.
He could go with: I like your buns.

Clark thought of a series of questions and dismissed each one as being banal. Or intrusive. Or insensitive.
Or all three combined.
Clark: Thanks. Thanks a lot.

“What is the most important thing to remember on a farm?” she asked.
If you see a brown wet spot, do not step into it.

You only need to chase stock down the road once to realise the importance of a closed gate.”
laugh Doesn’t work in the city. The city stock has opposable thumbs.

“I don’t understand how a cow could help.”
He already had a living being he was familiar with whom he could gently stroke as he learned to control his rising powers.

And I have to take that time to be quiet and reflective.

“You’ll still be here tomorrow?” he asked quickly,
Awwwww, great segue.

although when she peeked into his face, he was staring into his lemonade.

How the rhythm and repetition is kind of soothing. Maybe it was exactly what I needed today.”
Yeah, read paragraph, write FDK. Repeat.

“Will it be all right? Without Jack’s help? Will you be able to get all the work done?”

Clark nodded, grinning. “I’ve had an offer to help with the milking.”

As she munched, she studied her surroundings, something she rarely did in Metropolis as she raced from lead to source to witnesses to research to her office, on repeat,
Might be why she gets caught so often. She needs to be more aware of her surroundings.

“Different than Metropolis?”

“The exact opposite.”

“You think so?
No cabbies trying to mow you down.

. “It can be like that. I can get so caught up in a story that everything else passes by unnoticed.”
/points once again at Lois getting caught all the time/

But there was something profoundly satisfying about Clark Kent’s assessment that she’d be a great farmer.
Still cute. I’m sure title has nothing to do with this.

Clark grinned. “We need to go via the vegetable garden. Mom grows sugar beets for Bess.”

“And you’re going to take her one?”

“Yep. Can’t disappoint her.”
Sweet detail.

Martha had said that Bess had been born when Clark was sixteen so he must be twenty-eight – a year older than she was.
/does math/ help /does guesstimate/ sometime early season two.

“Hello, Bess,” Lois said, completely unsure as to the etiquette when meeting a cow.
A curtesy is expected. They have stopped with the cow-tow after Bess was strong enough to win every time.

Lois wasn’t sure how she felt about receiving affection from a cow, but she figured it beat being attacked.
Considering the Pranksters inappropriate behavior towards Lois in lieu of physically hurting her, I’m now flashing to him licking her jeans razz

Lois thrust her hand into her the pocket of her jeans, trying to ignore tingling warmth that lingered from Clark’s touch.
You gotta hug her!
Clark: angel-devil

“He’s a nice guy,” she said to Bess. “But I suppose you knew that already.”
Bess: Moooooo

It was, and Clark was still out in the fields.
Maybe if she went looking for him…?

Then there was Clark.

Lois had no idea what to think about him.

As she pulled up the sheets around her shoulder, she told herself she didn’t need to know what to think about Clark. This was a pleasant interlude. Surprisingly pleasant. But it didn’t change that in a couple of days, she would be gone.

Looking to her right, she realised there was a light on in the barn.


Could she be having her calf?

Was Clark down there in the barn?
Hmmm… did Lois sense Clark? Is it Bess? Did Clark stumble onto the lead box with the crystals?

“You ate your supper?”

He grinned at that. “Yes, I ate my supper.”
Awww… she’s making sure he’ll associate Lois with his mother.
MARTHA: I resent that. I have never fussed this much over him.

“Yeah.” He dragged another hay bundle and positioned it close to the first. “Want to unwind, too?”
Unwinding in the hay!

Being able to find new challenges and satisfaction from one thing instead of needing to flit from thing to thing.”

“You’ve stuck at your career. You’ve done incredibly well.”
Yes, but every day in the city brings a new life and death challenge.

Clark didn’t answer for a long time. “No,” he said. “I love the farm, and I can’t imagine something I would enjoy so much it would make up for being away from here.”
/cocks eyebrow

When he was on the tractor, driving the mindlessly repeated rows, did he think about a different life?
Maybe he’s writing fiction about a brave reporter, soaring through the air as he rescues (erm assists in the self-rescuing) of the feisty maiden.
LOIS: ‘maiden’?
ER: damsel?
LOIS: /pulls out Buffy tape/ I’m not much with the damseling.
ER:… feisty reporter amazon on the hot trail of career making story.

“I always enjoyed writing. I found it easier to express myself when I could re-read and edit.”
Just like Clark…
CLARK: huh /goes back to editing/ “… and then he broke up with her for her own good. The end.” Sounds good to me.

Was it wrong that he’d wondered if there was any chance that Lois would fall asleep on the bale?
Plot: farm boy finds sleeping maiden on a bale of hay in the barn.

Looks good. /heads over yonder/

He’d already been fascinated.

Then he’d lifted her into his arms, and it had felt as if she belonged right there.

And when she’d snuggled closer against his chest…
Oh so very cute!

Did she – even the tiniest bit – care for him? Or was she merely parroting his mom?

Possibly neither, he accepted, as he stood, cast a final eye over Bess, switched off the lights, and headed home.
Best sleep on it.

Another entertaining outing clap Feels all warm and fuzzy and comfy.

wave Michael

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Hi Michael.

“What is the most important thing to remember on a farm?” she asked.
If you see a brown wet spot, do not step into it.

That's why we wear boots. And for protection from snakes, too.

How the rhythm and repetition is kind of soothing. Maybe it was exactly what I needed today.”
Yeah, read paragraph, write FDK. Repeat.

Same thing, really. LOL

Martha had said that Bess had been born when Clark was sixteen so he must be twenty-eight – a year older than she was.
/does math/ help /does guesstimate/ sometime early season two.

AU, Michael. Assume nothing.

Thanks so much for reading and leaving such detailed FDK, Michael. I appreciate it!

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Hi Corrina!

AU, Michael. Assume nothing.

Thanks so much for reading and leaving such detailed FDK, Michael. I appreciate it!
You're very welcome!

wave Michael

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Clark sat next to her – careful to get near enough for comfortable conversation but not close enough to crowd her.
Aww, your Clark really feels like Clark - he tries to hard not to be threatening.

Clark thought of a series of questions and dismissed each one as being banal. Or intrusive. Or insensitive.
The gap between him and Lois yawned wide and impassable.
I never know how to articulate this gap irl and you've done it SO poetically here!

“You only need to chase stock down the road once to realise the importance of a closed gate.”

“But I think it’s really because that’s the way her mom did it.”
There's something so wonderfully specific about this, with a little emotional tug attached. ...is this how your mom did it? Do you can tomatoes?

"And I have to take that time to be quiet and reflective. I can’t hurry. It gives life rhythm and stability.” His brown eyes met hers. “Does that make any sense at all?”
This is partly brilliant because of the content itself, but also because I feel like this is what Clark is becoming for Lois - that daily touchpoint that lends stability.

Clark nodded, grinning. “I’ve had an offer to help with the milking.”
Awww. This feels like a spin on their newsroom banter!

“Maybe they’re not so far apart,” Clark said. “Not in some ways.”
Maybe Clark had never visited Metropolis.
I really love the differences between what your Lois thinks and what she says. lol

Martha had said that Bess had been born when Clark was sixteen so he must be twenty-eight – a year older than she was.
Nice investigating moment!

“Hello, Bess,” Lois said, completely unsure as to the etiquette when meeting a cow.
Omg, that's an amazing phrase! lol

“He’s a nice guy,” she said to Bess. “But I suppose you knew that already.”

Lois couldn’t remember one single time she had noticed the sunset in Metropolis. Not one.
Ooof. Yeah... That's absolutely what it's like.

She usually didn’t look forward to much at all. Each day was merely the means by which she achieved – a new lead, a big story, another front-page by-line.
This is so much of what a lot of careers like Lois' feel like when you're inside them. So insightful!

“Yes, I am,” he said gravely. “I know how lucky I am.”
But there was something in his tone that made Lois wonder how many times he thought about doing something else. When he was on the tractor, driving the mindlessly repeated rows, did he think about a different life?
This is beautifully captured, especially since we see one version of that different life in the show. This story really works well in tandem with what we already know.

Clark nodded as if he understood.
lol. Nice.

“Things can always go wrong, but there’s no reason to think they will.”
That's an incredible line, in and out of context.

But nothing and no one had left the impression that Lois Lane had.
This whole ending section is really just so sweet.

Love this story - excited to read more!

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