Hi Toomi
AN: I did it. And I was trying to avoid it. I wrote a TOGOM fic.
There there. Now all you have to do is give Lois a haircut

“You’re alive! How is this possible?” She squealed as she wrapped her arms around him.
Uuuuh… Frogs. Electricity. Ummm… shmience?
“Lois, we need to talk.” He was not going a moment longer without explaining the whole truth to Lois. He’d been given a second chance and he was not throwing it away.
So, he’s gonna tell her that he’s a v… very patient man and that’s the reason Lois was never able to score with Superman?
“Did Superman bring you back?”
Yes, it’s because of Superman’s powers that he’s alive.
He wasn’t about to try flying anytime soon since who knew where he’d end up if he nodded off mid flight!
/points at birds crashing into airplane engines/
Lois began to talk but he just couldn’t focus on her words, her voice lulling him to sleep.
Probably what every writer wants to hear. Unless you are writing bedtime stories. The ones for kids. Not the ones for grown-ups.
The drive couldn’t have been more than ten minutes at this time of night, especially the way Lois drove,
LOIS: Hey!
“We’re here,” she said with a hint of impatience. “Your apartment.”
See? Falling asleep during story time had been a rookie move.
“Would you like to come up?” he asked.
“I shouldn’t. You’re tired.”
“I’m fine, really. The nap helped.”
Lois snorted in disbelief and looked at him skeptically. “I’m covered in cake.”
He’d gladly help clean her up and then offer his services as a shower boy.
“Please. I’ll make tea and you can wash some of the icing out of your hair.”
Lois’ eyes widened and she reached for her hair, exclaiming as her fingers found the few clumps of icing.
“My Jeep!” She shrieked as if just realizing the toll this evening had taken on her clothes and the upholstery in her Jeep.

Clark wanted to laugh and he wasn’t sure if that was a result of how tired he was, or if it was really funny.
Or suicidal.
But he knew that laughing would not help him convince her to come upstairs.
And it turned out that mentioning Lois’s icing covered body was just the icing on the cake when Lois became frosty on the inside and out.
“I’ll help you clean that. For now, let’s get you into some clean clothes.”
Phrasing, Clark. That’s “let’s get you out of those dirty clothing”.
His mouth went dry and he couldn’t find any words in any of the languages he spoke.
Can he still drool? Oh, right, dry mouth.
Lois noticed and instead of being annoyed, she seemed to be pleased with his reaction given the slight smirk and unnecessary flip of her hair.
Nice touch with the hair!
LOIS: also, why cutting it is a bad idea.
He couldn’t believe this was actually happening, right when he thought he had to give all of this up.
Awww… sweet kiss and then he’ll realize he has to tell her and panic will ensue

. They could end the night however they wished to, and pick up tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. At some point the perfect opportunity, once they’d had a chance to date for a while, would present itself.
AG, yes, the deceitful procrastination.
She would ask him again, there was no doubt about that, and he was not willing to build this relationship on a lie.
So he will come clean about his being married?
“Lois, there’s something we need to discuss before this goes any further.”
/points at ‘I’m not like other man” given the recent re-watch of Virtually Destroyed/
“I’m sorry, Clark. You wanted to say something and I just barged ahead, said what was on my mind and moved on with what I wanted to do without considering you. I’m sorry.”
“No, Lois, that was great. Better than great. Amazing,” he hastened to assure her. “Anytime you want to continue, please, go ahead. There is just one thing I need to tell you first.”

Do you only have a certain amount of time? Like an expiry date?
Yeah, but it’s way off as long as you keep him properly solarized.
knowing no matter what he said there was an excellent chance she’d be upset.
Shed be more upset if he had spent the night first.
He took a deep breath and plunged ahead. “It didn’t hurt because the bullet didn’t pierce my skin.”
Faulty leadware.
“So, you’re saying you weren’t shot, but you faked being shot and pretended to die? Why didn’t you come find me afterwards?”
“They dumped me shortly after and I didn’t know what to do. I panicked.”
He’s not gonna fake out, is he?
“It’ll be easier if I show you.”
He started to undo the top buttons of his shirt
I’ll bet Lois knows what he wants to show her.
“You couldn’t find the words? The man with the amazing, encyclopedia-like memory couldn’t figure out how to tell me this secret?”
It’s deeply personal. It’s about his medical history.
“You forgot? Don’t you have a perfect memory?”
No, he keeps forgetting that he should tell her.
“You tell me you’re… well, you’re him, and then you tell me you’re tired and you forgot what you wanted to tell me? This doesn’t make sense.”
Poor Lois, she’s just realizing that Superman can’t go all night.
“It’s a new start, a new day.”
Lois smiled at him shyly and before he could even imagine what their first day together would bring, she was kissing him again.
Sweet and heartfelt and quip-worthy
